Wednesday, December 15, 2010

His Comments

I mentioned yesterday that Steven often makes weird comments.  It's true, and today I intend to prove my point.  I'm not sure if these 'Steven-isms' come from years of living in a football dorm or from his secretive twin language.  They are weird nonetheless.  So weird, that I too find myself using them in my daily conversations.  My poor innocent listeners are left confused and mentally noting my lack of coherence. 

So to fill you in, here are the Top 10 Steven-isms...

    {The one and only, Steven Torres}
  1. "Look at those Ricky's."  Translation: That guy is wearing shorts that are too tight.
  2. "You need to boo-boo?"  Translation:  Do you need to poop?
  3. "Those are some duh-dun-da-dunns."  Translation: That man's shorts are too short.
  4. "Quit bull-cornin'."  Translation:  Quit messing around.
  5. "Chili Fritos 3'oclock."  Translation: Chubby kid to the right.
  6. "BUSH!"  Translation: Oh no.
Okay, so there are only six that I can think of off the top of my head.  Probably because his unconventional language has turned into my daily converstations.  I used to be normal.  I promise.  Now if you find yourselves incorporating these phrases into your daily conversations, you should be afraid. Very afraid.


Jesse {GoodGirlGoneGlad} said...

LOl! I bet he keeps you laughing! So funny!

Lynne said...

Hilarious~Chili fritos 3 o'clock?! LOL

Anonymous said...

Those are all hilarious! I especially love "quit bull-cornin" and the "chili fritos" one. Bwahahahaha!

Lynne said...

And P.S. Why is Steven so preoccupied with men's fashion? ;)

amanda torres said...

You know Lynne? I've never thought why men's shorts are such a fascination for him? Hmmmm. Maybe I should have some concerns on that one...