Tuesday, December 27, 2011

DIY: Full Size Loft Bed

I'm getting ready to tell you all you need to know about how to make a full size loft bed.  I hope your ready for some reading...and note taking...and relief.  This will be short.

STEP ONE:  Find a picture of what you want...check.

Pinned Image

STEP TWO:  Find someone who is really, really handy...check.

{Uh...not my mom.  Her husband, Michael}

STEP THREE:  Ask that person to help you build the bed of your child's dream...check.
STEP FOUR:  Give them the picture of what you want and the changes you want to make...check.
STEP FIVE:  Answer the phone and for any questions about the above bed...check.
STEP SIX:  Be amazed when your mom sends you a picture of the progress...check.

STEP SEVEN:  Attend the final reveal with your child...check.

STEP EIGHT:  Pick out paint or stain for the bed....check.
STEP NINE:  Have your husband help with staining process.  
STEP TEN:  Bring the bed home!!!

There you have it, the 10 step process to building your own loft bed.  It doesn't seem so bad now, does it?  I guess there is one minor problem...I didn't actually build the bed.  Thank goodness for Michael.  He's an amazing carpenter.  Well, actually he's pretty amazing with any kind of tools.  We are so thankful that he was willing to spend so much time to build Little Man's bed.  It's something we will cherish for a very long time.


Ashley said...

I love the bed and it will look awesome stained! I bet it will leave a bunch of open space in his room. Can't wait to see the finished product!

jesse {GoodGirlGoneGlad} said...

I bet he is going to LOVE it!! I know I would have when I was a kid!

Unknown said...

Do you have the plans he used? This is exactly what my daughter wants.. except with stairs for our dog. ha!

Unknown said...

hi. thanks for sharing a great loft beds ideas

Ourel said...

Awesome! i think your kids should proud with his loft beds