Monday, September 10, 2012

Menu Monday

I *think* I'm going to start posting our weekly educational goals on the same day as the menu.  I'm not even sure if it will help you out if you are a parent to a young one.  We literally spend about 20 minutes total on 'school' at this house.  I don't push a whole lot to get Chunky Monkey and Little Miss to learn an outrageous amounts of concepts at home, but there are some basics I want them to be knowledgeable of when they hit the classroom next year.  Things I feel they should know.  However, I am NOT an Early Childhood person.  My degree is in Elementary Education (1st-8th grade).  I am strictly going off my two kiddos at home.  Not what I think every child needs.  Over and out.

Monday- Mexican Casserole, Corn on the Cob
Tuesday-Monterey Chicken, Butternut Squash, Parker Rolls
Wednesday-Baked Chicken, Potatoes Au Gratin, Salad
Thursday-Fajita Bake (in the crockpot) and Corn Casserole
Friday-Club Sandwiches, Fresh Veggies with Dip and Fruit
Saturday-OSU GAME!!!
Sunday-Fried Pork Chops, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans

Monday-Review shapes (square, circle, oval, heart, diamond, rectangle, pentagon, star)
              Practice counting items to 10 (pennies)
              Practice writing names
Tuesday-Library Day
Wednesday-Flash card drills on shapes
                   Practice counting items to 10 and higher (buttons)
                   Practice writing names
Thursday-Practice counting items to 10 and higher (beans)
                Name writing
Friday-Sorting buttons, then counting how many are in each group
           Practice correct letter formation of letters A, L, d, i, c, o, n, s, l

Have a Great Week!!!

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