Thursday, September 6, 2012

Getting It Done

Do you ever feel like this is your life?  Working hard to get all of it done in a day where seconds don't tick by, but FLY!  Golly gee this is me.

First off, I consider myself to be a master of time management.  There are few gifts I'll admit to, but time management and budgeting time is one of them.  Despite this gift, I have found myself with items unchecked on my daily list.  It drives me mad.  Bonkers, actually.

I was discussing this with one of my fellow time management pals, when she revealed to me her cleaning schedule.  Now I'm going to be really honest.  I have seen these so called 'Cleaning Schedules' on Pinterest and rolled my eyes at them.  My thoughts were, If you need a schedule to help you clean your house, then you don't use your time wisely.  Then school started...and dance...and football...and gymnastics...and wrestling...and five get the point. We are going strong all week long.  The house was suffering and so was my sanity.  So when my time management gal pal mentioned her 'Cleaning Schedule', I wasn't rolling my eyes.  In fact, I asked her to email it to me.

Well, guess what?  She did.  I read it.  I did it.  I love it.  The end.  It even has me breaking down other items that were overwhelming me.  Items like preparing Chunky Monkey and Little Miss for Pre-K.  Now I have organized daily goals for the house and kids.  And it goes a little something like this...HIT IT...

Cleaning Schedule* 
(Thank You, Jamie!)

Monday: Vacuum floors
Tuesday: Windex Mirrors, windows, and glass doors
Wednesday: Scrub the toilets, tubs, and bathroom floors
Thursday: Mop
Friday: Dust/Polish Furniture

*In all actuality, Jamie has a much more detailed schedule that goes beyond the week.  It has daily and monthly chores as well.  The daily things go along the lines of doing a load of laundry and wiping down counters.  The monthly ones are items like dusting baseboards and blinds.  It is broken down in a totally doable manner that will enable me to remember when I last dusted those darn blinds!
As far as our Educational goals, this is what it looks like this week.

Educational Goals*

Monday: Review and identify basic shapes (circle, square, triangle), letter recognition within their names
Tuesday: Introduce oval to basic shapes.  Color each shape by category (circles red, squares blue, ovals pink, triangles orange).  Begin printing names as we review letters.
Wednesday: Introduce difference between square and rectangles.  Color squares blue and rectangles purple.
Thursday: Counting sides to triangles, squares, and rectangles.  Introduce pentagons.  Continue with name writing.
Friday-Play Shape Memory, and letter jumping (call out a letter within their name and they have to jump on the correct letter)

*Each week we will focus on one Math objective and one Language Arts objective.  During the evenings we cover reading aloud and such.  Science/Social Studies gets covered by read alouds and checking out the daily stuff around us.  Like yours, my kids ask a TON of questions.  Steven and I like to answer them all and then some.  Our poor kids.  They get earfuls!

Doesn't this seem so Type A?  It is.  I realize that, but it has helped me stay focused on what I would like to accomplish.  It gives me purpose in life.  Yeah, I'm seeking help on this.

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