Monday, August 13, 2012

Menu Monday

Why is it that when you blink, you're weekend is already gone?  We had quite the whirlwind of a weekend over here.  Steven's uncle from Chicago came with his wife, new baby, and nephew (Steven's cousin who is 6). We were very fortunate to spend lots of time all weekend with them.  Little Man and Cousin were especially fun to watch. It was a the first time I've had the opportunity to watch Little Man with an friend/cousin his age play all day and all night long.  Those two were nonstop.  Go, go, go until the crashed.  It was awesome.  Awesome until it came time for goodbyes last night.  Little Man was in tears!  That part was no bueno.  I hate watching little hearts break.  He hates goodbyes.

Since we had such a great time with family, I didn't get the menu typed out ahead of time.  Sorry it's a little late this morning.  I'm still on track for no repeat main meals for the month of August.  A few things carried over last week because I didn't make them.

Monday-Lemon Basil Pasta with Grilled Chicken, Salad, and Crescents
Tuesday-Eggplant Parmesan, Green Beans, Garlic Bread
Wednesday-Broccoli Chicken Casserole, Honey Biscuits
Thursday-Mexican Casserole, Corn
Friday-Fajita Bake (this has been on the menu labout 3 times and I have YET to make it) and Corn Saute
Saturday-Dry Rubbed Pork Chops, Potatoes Au Gratin, Salad
Sunday-Marlboro Man's Second Favorite Sandwich, Sweet Potato Fries

1 comment:

  1. Here is a NEW recipe I tried and we ALL loved it! Easy to prepare!
