Monday, October 17, 2011

Menu Monday and One Proud Mama

It's been an eventful weekend at the Torres house.  A Fall Festival at Little Man's school, a party for Little Miss(well, the shortest party in history, but a party nonetheless), and two kids learning how to ride bikes.  One learned how to ride a bike for the first time ever, and the other learned how to ride his bike without training wheels.  They are growing up. 

{This pic was taken the day before Little Man lost the training wheels}

This week we are expecting a little cold front to come through.  I'm ready.  I like cool days where the air condition stays off the entire day.  I'm ready for the comfort foods.  I'm ready for sweats and hot chocolate.  As soon as I heard we were going to have a few mornings in the 40's and possibly the 30's, I quickly added a soup to the menu.  There's nothing like a cool day and some hot soup!

Monday-Dinner @ my Mom's (she's cooking for us b/c we'll be at Little Man's conference...she's the best!)
Tuesday-Balsamic Bowtie Chicken Pasta, Broiled Asparagus, and Honey Butter Bread
Wednesday-Taco Soup with Cornbread
Thursday-Baked Chicken, Stuffing, and Green Bean Casserole
Sunday-BBQ Meatballs, Mashed Potatoes, and Peas

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