Tuesday, October 18, 2011

She Turned Three

It is inevitable. My kids will grow up. As much as I enjoy them right now, I know that the goal is to nurture and teach them, send them on their way, and pray we've done a good enough job so they want to come back and see us (but not live with us).

Little Miss' 3rd Birthday was on Saturday. It's always been a tradition at our house that you get a pancake made with the number of your birthday, and candles with the Birthday Song for every meal. As the kids get older each year, they really look forward to this part. Little Man mentioned numerous times that he's going to have five candles this year. He's been practicing blowing so he can handle all those. I told him to talk to me when he's got 32 candles. Then he can start practicing! He didn't get it. Regardless, here's my Little Miss gettin' after her candles...

We had her party on her actual birthday. Since she doesn't have many friends outside of her brother's friends and their siblings, we had a low key party. I made her cake (or shall I say cakes, since the first homemade batter shrunk 2 inches in diameter after baking), decorations, and party favors, and invited our closest friends and family. She really enjoyed her time at the party.

For some reason, I didn't take a picture of the inside layers of her cake. Last year I made her a layered rainbow cake. This year I made the same kind, but the layers were pink and purple to go with all of the other decorations. It turned out well, but not as stunning as the rainbow cake.

The kids did a great job decorating cookies, but they weren't nearly as into the decorating as I thought they'd be. I guess I didn't take into consideration that the majority of the guests were boys. Psh! Boys. They don't like to sit too long. That, plus my anal need to keep things moving along, had Little Miss' party finished right at an hour. I'm not really sure if the parents were relieved to not be held captive around a small group of 2-4year olds, or if they were irritated they drove all the way out to Timbuktu for just an hour. Oh well, they'll get their fix here in another month as I gear up for Little Man's party. What was I thinking having these kids so close???

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