Friday, October 14, 2011

Happy Birthday Little Miss

My baby girl is turning 3 tomorrow.  How did this happen?

First she was this...
 {The day of her birth}

And then this...

 {Four months old}

And this...
 {Almost a year old}

And the little stinker kept growing...

 {Her two year old birthday}

Now she's this...

{My little princess today}

Words can't describe the love you have for your own child, but having a little girl is a bond like no other.  I understand why she does what she does.  All of those girly emotions, I get them.  She's turning into such a beautiful little girl inside and out.  I'm so thankful God has entrusted us to raise this little beauty. 

Happy Birthday, Little Miss. 
Mommy, Daddy, and Mason love you very much.


  1. Happy birthday little one. You are special. Your Grammy and I love you more than you can possibly know.

  2. Happy Birthday!! Hope you guys have a good party to celebrate!
