Monday, August 15, 2011

Menu Monday Fo' Real

Let me tell you what's not a good idea...

Running 3 miles, rushing home to take a shower, getting 3 kids ready for zoo, and then staying at the zoo for 3 hours.  Don't get me wrong. We had a sweaty good time.  We were tired.  We all came home and crashed for naps.  What was not very smart on my part was doing this on a day I teach gymnastics in the evening.  I'm gonna be pooped.

Anyway, thank you for understanding about the menu.  Little Man starts school next week so this blog may take a back seat.  My main focus is making sure his last days of summer are super duper fun.  What can I say?  He's my baby.  He makes me do crazy stuff.

Now for the menu...

Monday-Minature Meatloaf, Twice Baked Potatoes, Peas
Tuesday-Chicken Parmigiana, The Bread, Salad, Zucchini Bake
Wednesday-Italian Broiled Chicken, Cheesy Biscuits, Fresh Green Beans
Thursday-Easy Peasy Mexican Chicken Soup, Tortilla Chips, Corn Casserole
Friday-Fried Drumsticks, Mashed Potatoes, Corn (can you tell I still haven't made this???)
Saturday-Shredded BBQ Chicken Sandwiches and Homemade Fries
Sunday-Dinner @ Mom's


  1. I bet you will cry. I cried last year taking Em to 6th grade :-( I don't think I will let Colton start school EVER!

  2. Italian broiled chicken? recipe please!
