Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Our Zoo Day

I had one last little item left on our Summer List.  The summer has been too dang hot to take the kids to the zoo.  When I saw the high was only going to be 95 for Monday, I decided to enlist the help of my mom and drag her to the zoo with three little angels.  There wasn't a whole lot of dragging I had to do.  Our conversation went something like this...

Hey Mom!  Whatcha doing tomorrow?

Welllll, I should work in my classroom.  Why?

Do you want to go to the zoo with us tomorrow?

Of course.  See you tomorrow.

So that's how it went.  I love my mom.  She's always up to playing with her grandkids.  Even if that means she hasn't worked in her classroom and school starts next week. 

Now back to the zoo.  Seeing that these kids have the most mature leader ever, I had them take the most educational photos one could take at the zoo.  Including sticking their hand up the Mayan guy's nose outside the Rainforest Exhibit.  Then I asked if he had any boogers.  Yep, very mature.  After the Mayan pic, I asked them to take a pic with the monkeys so they look more like their ancestors.  For the record, I don't think we come from monkeys, but sometimes, just sometimes, I wonder about my kids...

We also had them see which penguin they resembled the most.  I voted for the Rockhopper, but Little Man was convinced he was the Emperor.  He hangs out with his daddy WAY too much! 

Ahhh, the petting zoo.  Where else can you contract fecal diseases and mites and fleas and who knows what else?  Petting zoos are gross, but I'm not going to let my thoughts get in the way of their good times.  So I let them pet and brush and snack and lick their fingers.  Good times.  Kidding.  They all washed their hands and then got sanitizer.  Double duty.  That's how we roll. 

Be sure to check out Chunky Monkey.  He reminds me so much of his dad.  He liked the animals from afar, but as soon as they came near him or looked at him, he was like, "Whatchyou lookin' at?"  As for Little Miss, she was just looking for someone to boss around.  The goats weren't too into that.
Now for my favorite part.  If you know me at all, you know I love to joke and pull pranks.  This was a proud moment for me.  Just check out Little Man.  A boy after my own heart.
If you're wondering who the man and woman are waiting for us, that's Steven's Uncle Pete and Aunt Mary from Chicago.  They were such troopers coming to the zoo with the kids, my mom, and I.  Who else does that?  Only family!
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  1. It's days like these I will cherish when I'm back in class thinking of you all and wishing for zoo days and fun with my grandkids. This summer has been a blast!! I've loved every moment so....when do I get another Grammy sleepover???

  2. Looks like fun! I am taking my baby to the zoo on Friday. Around 7am. I don't want a heatstroke! Were the animals out much?
    Where does your mom teach? (Feel free to private email me if you want to share).

  3. We haven't made it over there yet either! We keep thinking of trying out the OKC zoo. I have never been. =)
