Monday, July 18, 2011

Menu Monday

Monday-Marlboro Man's 2nd Favorite Sandwich with Homemade Fries
Tuesday-Mexican Casserole with Corn on the Cob
Wednesday-Tater Beef Bake, Herb Roasted Green Beans, and Parker Rolls
Thursday-BBQ Chicken Quarters, Perfect Potatoes Au Gratin, Salad
Friday-Chicken Salad Sandwiches with Sweet Potatoes
Saturday-Baslamic Bowtie Pasta, Herb Mix Salad, and Honey Butter French Bread
Sunday-Family Dinner

If you're thinking there are some repeats from last week, you are completely right.  Steven's Uncle Pete and his wife were in town from Chi-town and we did a lot of our meals at his mom's to spend time with them.  That means one thing...last week's menu items didn't get eaten.  Thankfully, the meals we did have here I was able to throw together all my fresh ingredients so they didn't go to waste.  Have I ever mentioned I hate throwing food out?  I do.  Now you know.  Now your life can continue, and you can have the best week ever.  Indoors of course.  It's too hot to even get the mail, but I feel a cold front coming on.  I may be crazy, but I'm going to start speaking of cooler weather and rain.  Watch.  It willl happen! I'm just believing it.

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