Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Wasted Time

With the new baby, we had to get a bigger car.  My Escape only fit 3 car seats across the back.  With Chunky Monkey and Little Nugget, I needed an extra row.  Since I planned on driving my Escape until the wheels fell off, it was hard to sell her, but it was a must.  A sacrifice I made for my family.  Good news is, I really like my new car. Don't you?

If you really believe this is my car, then I love you.  I wish this were my car.  Well, maybe not.  Anyway my car is not what this post is about.  Today I want to talk about all those wasted moments in the car we let pass us by.  I can't even count how many times I tune the radio to my favorite station to pretend I'm in my own adult world without three kids in tow in the back, but honestly that wastes so many opportunities to have the kids undivided attention.

Recently, I've started focusing on topics and games the kids and I can play to stimulate their little brains.  Here are a few of our favorite games...
  • Name That Animal- We each take turns to describe an animal.  Once we're done, the other car riders take their guess.  Let's see if you can get mine.  This animal is a mammal.  It is covered in fur.  Lives on land, and often stays in trees.  It is one of the laziest animals on this Earth.  What's my animal?
  • Name That Fruit,Vegetable, etc...-same concept as Name That Animal
  • Categories-I name a category and the kids and I take turns naming things that fit into that category.  For example, we ran an quick errand today that was about 20 minutes.  Little Man asked if only boys could be Puerto Rican.  A perfect opportunity to play 'Who's a Puerto Rican'.  I realize this is probably not a game most of you would play, but I found it comical.  I started and named a person in our family (who is a female) that is a PR.  Then Little Man went, followed by Chunky Monkey, and Little Miss.  As the kids started figuring out who in our family is and is not a PR, I then started naming people who weren't so they could correct me. 
  • I Spy-We only play this if I'm not driving and there's a picture book or magazine in the car.  Basically, I find an item on a particular page, hand it to the kids, and start giving clues.  Some clues are directional so the kids can work on the prepositions and directionality (like I spy something under the table), and other clues describe the actual item (like I spy a round, red object).
Really the possibilities are endless, but the point is I'm trying to focus on the kids.  I still take mental breaks here and there or I'd go crazy, but more and more I'm turning off the DVD player and turning on memories.  What are some games you play with your kids in the car?


  1. I love this post!! It reminds me how many missed opportunities I have to share God's Word with my kids. I have an 8 yr old who can read, and this is the perfect time for her to read to us from His Word and it gives us the opportunity to talk about and discuss what it means. It's also the perfect time for us to practice memory verses! I never find the time to do that at home, but there's all that wasted time in the van when we could....Thanks so much Amanda, for reminding me of these precious moments that i miss!

  2. I love your new car! ;) I totally know the need for a third row! In our car is is so we can spread them out so they are not touching. Makes for much more sane car ride. Love the game ideas. We usually do rhyming games. I am going to give the ones you talked about a try! Thanks for sharing! xx
