Friday, July 15, 2011

I Tried To Stay Away

It's true.  I tried to stay away, but the nonstop talk of it, drew me in.  Like a moth to a flame.  Like flies to my air conditioned house, it called to me and I answered.  It goes by the name of Pinterest, and I've already invested too many hours obsessing browsing over all the pretties.  I finally decided to jump into the deep end without a life jacket when I found out baby #3 was on its way. 
I signed up because this go round I want a gray and yellow room for the baby.   We all know I need help getting decorating done.  I have a clear picture of what I want, but finishing it out for the price I want to pay is the problem.  I figured if I had a 'board' to put all my ideas, I would hit my goal a little faster.  We shall see, my friends, we shall see.  Anyway, after only a few measely hours, I found this color pallet.  It's exactly what's been floating around in my head.

via Pinterest
designer not mentioned

Now that you know what I want, I'm enlisting all of you as my personal shoppers.  When you run across items that follow these colors and patterns, go ahead and buy it for me.  I promise I'll pay you back ;)  Seriously, if you do find items such as these, please let me know so I can start getting things gathered for Little Nugget's room.


  1. Awwww congratulations!! I need to pay attention more!!! Did I totally miss the 3rd growing pea annoucement??? Debra Wimpee

  2. I love that the caption says, "you make me happy when skies are gray." :)

  3. nugget? like from McD's? Poor baby! :-)

  4. I looove Pinterest. I have actually completed some of the craft things I have pinned on my board!
