Monday, March 28, 2011

Menu Monday and a Time Machine

If I had a time machine I'd jump in it and take it back to the day that PW announced on her facebook page that she was doing a book signing in her hometown.  Then I'd gussy myself up and drive to Pawhuska and stand all googly-eyed at the only celebrity person I'd ever want to meet.  PW's on my bucket list.  Meaning, if I don't meet her before I die...well, let's not talk about that now.  Not meeting PW before I die would be devastating. 

Since I can't think about the opportunity lost anymore, I'll go ahead and type out the menu for the week.  Then I will go cry myself into a deep slumber...after Steven gets home from work.  I've got 3 kids counting on me today.  A mom's work is never done.  Here ya' go...

Monday-Spaghetti & Meatballs (which will be stuffed with cooked spinach for Little Miss.  She attacks meatballs, so why not stuff them with veggies?), Spring Mix Salad with Olive Garden Style Salad Dressing, and French Bread with Roasted Garlic Dipping Sauce

Tuesday-Sausage Spinach Pockets & Fruit Salad

Wednesday-Fried Drumsticks, Corn Casserole, Mashed Potatoes (you know, a real low-cal meal)

Thursday-BBQ Quesadillas (I've saved enough cheese for it this week), with Corn Saute

Friday-DATE NIGHT!!!

Saturday-Mexican Lasagna with Black Bean Corn Salsa

Sunday-Spinach Stuffing Stuffed Chicken Breasts, Sweet Potato Slices, and Strawberry Spinach Salad

Tomorrow I'm going to give an update on Little Man's behavior.  He had a rough week, but he's back on track now.  Thank the good Lord!  We're super proud of the progress and choices he's making now.  Heck, I'll even share my secrets!


  1. I met PW! When she invites me to the Lodge, I will see if she is ok with you tagging along :-)
