Monday, January 14, 2013

Menu Monday

We have our Chicago family coming to town this week.  We are so pumped.  They are arriving on Friday and staying through Monday.  Undoubtedly, they will want to go out to dinner.  Since we are on a cash only system, we have set aside out to eat money this week, so you'll see the Torres Family eating out.  In fact, as I'm typing Steven and I are listening to Part One of Financial Peace University (thanks Samantha).  So far, I'm in love and excited about living like no one else!

Chubby Cheekers also turns 11 months this week.  The last of his babyhood days.  Sigh.  I can't think about this right now so onto the menu...

Monday-Dijon Crumb Coated Chicken, Green Beans, Cheesy Biscuits
Tuesday-Fried Chicken, Au Gratin Potatoes, Salad
Wednesday-Creamed Chicken and Biscuits, Corn
Thursday-Baked Fajitas, Salad, Brown Rice
Friday-Out to Dinner
Saturday-BBQ Pork Chops, Steamed Broccoli, Buttered Bread
Sunday-Dinner at Yoly's (Steven's Mom)

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