Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Da' Menu

I have so much to tell you this week.  It's all about new experiences and how I am now super cool because not only have I shopped in Whole Foods, but I actually purchased something from Whole Foods.  I know, I know.  I'll be signing autographs later.

In all actuality, I could possibly be scarred for life upon entering the establishment. I am all for living a healthy lifestyle, but GEEZ!  The frugal woman inside of me couldn't get passed the price gauging on some items.  However, I'll save my ranting and reasons why I'll go back later this week.  I have a menu to get to people!

Monday-Grilled Chicken Salad, Cheesy Biscuits
Tuesday-Black Bean Fritters, Taco Quinoa
Wednesday-BBQ Meatballs, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans
Thursday-Pot Roast, Potatoes, Carrots, and Buttered Wheat Bread
Friday-Pizza Bread and Salad
Saturday-Beer Crockpot Chicken, Corn Casserole, Steamed Broccoli
Sunday-Dinner @ Mom's


  1. When you had the BBQ meatballs and potatoes au gratin on your menu a few weeks ago, I just had to make them too. And now you are going to make me want that again!!!

    Have you made the beer crockpot chicken before? Did you like it? What kind of beer did you use?

  2. I have. It was good, but more than anything it was easy! Sometimes that wins out. I used Shiner Bock. It was some Steven's uncle left over here. I'm not one to let things waste, so I found a use!
