Monday, January 7, 2013

Lots of Excuses

I have some really good excuses as to why the menu is not done for today.  Are you ready?

  1. Chubby Cheekers is walking.
  2. We have moved to a cash only lifestyle as of January 1st.
  3. I somehow committed myself to train for a marathon, but won't actually run a marathon race.
  4. I went to Whole Foods.
  5. Chubby Cheekers is walking.
  6. Little Man returns back to school today...WHAAAAAAAAA!
  7. I spent too much time on a home organizational website.
  8. I went to Monster Jam.
  9. Chubby Cheekers is walking.
  10. I just didn't do it, but I know I have enough food...Hmmm, now what to make?
See you tomorrow.  Hopefully with a menu. 

1 comment:

  1. Yay for him walking!! Colton started walking early too, it's like he just couldn't wait to catch up with Em & Z!!
