Monday, December 5, 2011

Menu Monday

A pretty much perfect weekend occurred at the Torres house.  A Friday evening date night that involved 99% of our Christmas shopping, followed by two days of pjs, and a Sunday evening at Philbrook.  Lots of family time.  Lots of relaxing, but yet getting a lot done.  It was wonderful.

The only way to finish up a wonderful weekend is to start a wonderful week.  It's Steven and Rene's birthday week.  Celebrating another year of their lives is pretty wonderful to me.  So I'm calling this week wonderful.  Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful.

Hopefully the menu for this week will hold up to wonderful this week too.  Hopefully.

Monday-Ham Sammies, Homemade Fries, Fruit Salad
Tuesday-Turkey Noodle Soup with Homemade Crescents
Wednesday-Homemade Pizza and Salad
Thursday-Garlic Parmesan Chicken, Broccoli Bake, Potatoes Au Gratin
Friday-Birthday Cookout for the Boys
Saturday-Bowtie Lasagna, Cheesy Bread, Green Beans
Sunday-Roasted Italian Sausage, Carrots, and Potatoes, Rolls

1 comment:

  1. Here's to Friday bringing warmer weather for your cookout!!
