Friday, December 2, 2011

Little Miss' Not So Little Problem

You see this precious thing...

You would think she's the most lady like little girl.  You would think.  Unfortunately she lives in a house where boys find their bodily noises hilarious.  H-I-L-A-R-I-O-U-S.  Another unfortunate addition is she has the gastrointestinal fortitude that her father and brother does.  She can toot with the best of them.

Many times I hear 'a noise' only to find out it wasn't that of a grown man.  It was my 27 lbs of a little girl letting out an adult size fart.  What's even more embarrassing is her announcement of what she's just accomplished, "I fawted, Mama."  You know, just in case you didn't hear it.

Yes, she says 'farted'.  As much as I've tried to convert her to 'toot' or 'fluff', the boys in the house have already sunk their nasty words into the depths of her innocent little vocabulary.  I don't think my corrections have any effect on her.  As much as she likes to produce those stinky bursts of air, she likes to announce what she's just accomplished.  I guess I should count my blessings.  Who's going to want to take my farting daughter out on a date?  Not too many I suspect.

Yes, this could be key in keeping her with us forever.  So Little Miss,  you keep on farting.

Your Mama


  1. omg! Em is so bad about this too. She will be real sweet and go snuggle up with you and all of a sudden...PPPHHH!!!

  2. LOL! Girls with brothers... I know how that goes. =)
