Monday, August 22, 2011

Menu Monday

This is the week.  The week Little Man starts school.  He is so excited.  We are excited for him, but secretly sad for ourselves.  Especially me.  I've become quite accustomed to having my little buddy around 24/7.  He's not only my precious boy, but he's also my helper.  He truly is a little man.  A little replica of his father.

Not that any of that has anything to do with you, but I have a serious case of 'My Son Is Starting School So I Will Talk About It Non-Stop'.  Sorry.  On a good note, I did compose myself long enough to put together a menu for you.  It's a very weak menu.  We have quite a bit going on this week so we are...wait for it...wait for it...EATING OUT a couple of times this week.

Monday-Lazy Sunday Casserole (on Monday) and The Bread
Tuesday-Out to Dinner
Wednesday-Pizza and Salad
Thursday-Out to Dinner
Friday-Chicken Enchiladas, Mexi Rice, Avocado Salad
Saturday-Steven Plans for Dinner...I'm Outta Town!!!
Sunday-BBQ Meatballs, Broc-n-Cheese Casserole, Sweet Potatoes with Cinnamon Butter

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