Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Little Miss and a High Fever

Last Friday proved to be pretty eventful at the Torres household.  Little Miss went to bed Thursday night with a slight fever.  She woke up Friday morning with that same slight fever and complained her ear was hurting.  No biggie.  A little ear infection maybe and we'd be better in no time.  I made an appointment for 11:30am. 

At 11:35am her fever was no longer a little one.  It was a big one.  104.7 to be exact.  Never in my life have I ever had one of the kids with a fever that high.  After a battery of test (strep, urine sample, and two tubes of blood drawn) we had no more answers than when we arrived unless you count 'something viral' as an answer. 

We were just about to head out with a ton of Tylenol and Advil in hand, when the doctor read the lab work and mentioned Little Miss was slightly dehydrated.  Now I was really frustrated.  I am pretty good about watching the intake of liquids and dietary elements in the kids, and Little Miss had been hydrated.  After asking the doctor how this could be, she said Little Miss was tiny and her fever was so high the liquids in her body were evaporating.  She recommended I take her straight to the Children's Day Hospital for IV fluids for 4-5 hours.

I have to stop and say at this point, Little Miss had been my little rock star.  She didn't fuss or cry at any of the tests.  Not the nasty swabbing.  Not the pricking of her finger and the ungodly amount of blood the squeezed out of her finger.  Not having to pee in a cup.  Nothing. She was brave and tough and strong.  I was impressed with her.  However, I was concerned about the IV.  Plus, I had NOTHING to entertain her with at the hospital.  This was going to be a l-o-n-g 4-5 hours.

On the way to the hospital I immediately called my mom and asked her to say a prayer for Little Miss and myself.  Turns out her prayers worked.  When we arrived, the nurse was waiting for us.  She told Little Miss everything she was going to do and she just watched.  Not one fuss.  Not one squeal.  Not one cry.  In fact after the IV was placed and wrapped with a bandage, Little Miss held up her hand and said, "Ma-Ma, look at my pretty bracelet."  What can I say?  She's my girl.

Now you'll have to excuse her hair in this pic.  It was after her restless 20 minute nap in an uncomfortable hospital bed.  She tossed and turned and rubbed that hair all over the place.  I didn't realize how ratty it looked until after we got home.  Oh well!  I wasn't really concerned with her beauty.  I was more concerned with keeping an almost 3 year old busy.  I did find some Pictureka cards in my purse from a Chick-fil-a Kid's Meal.  We played Eye Spy and drew pictures on old receipts.  Like I said before,  I was not prepared to entertain a child for 4+ hours.  It all worked out though.  We were in good hands, and Little Miss was a trooper.  I think I just survived. 

Thankfully, Little Miss is completely mended and back to her sassy self.  We still don't know what was going on in her little body.  She had not one symptom except the fever.  Crazy, crazy stuff. 

Now tomorrow, I have a funny story related to when my darn sexy husband arrived at the hospital.  I found it quite comical.  Steven found it down right embarrassing.  He just doesn't know how his Latin Lover Looks affect the womenfolk around here.


  1. how scary for you and what a brave little girl you have! Emilee had a VERY high fever for 8 days straight in the 4th grade. And they also said it was viral. Bull-poop! She didn't have to go to the hospital, but I had to drug her non-stop.

  2. What a trooper she is! Hope she is feeling much much better!
