Friday, August 19, 2011

Some New Recipes

I made three recipes from Pinterest this week.  All three were keepers.  Here's the rundown:

{via Handle the Heat}

Deliciousness: 10, It was yummy, and good for ya'
Preparation/Baking Ease: 7, the process was easy, but prepping was time con-sum-ing
Would I Make This Again?  Definitely, YES!

Deliciousness: 8, Pretty stinkin' good, but not good for ya'
Preparation/Baking Ease: 10, short fixin' time and simple steps.
Would I Make This Again? Yes, especially if I need some comfort food

{via The Larson Lingo}

Deliciousness: 6, I would make this again, but not necessarily for guests
Preparation/Baking Ease: 10, The recipe name says it all.  Perfect for a busy day.
Would I Make This Again? Yes.  I have to have some simple stuff that can cook itself.

Since Pinterest is my newest addiction, you might see recipe reviews on here quite often.  I have a long list of baking goods that will all make me gigantically fat, but I do have one I plan on making this week. So long to the 2 lbs I've gained thus far in pregnancy. I'm about to blow up!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing Amanda!! I have become addicted to pin interest,too!!
