Monday, July 11, 2011

Menu Monday

I love summer, but I cannot stand this heat unless I am at the pool.  Even grilling seems like a task and I usually don't mind at all. Since I'm staying indoors unless I'm poolside, I went back to some of my old favorites this week.  Hope you enjoy them too!

Monday-Baked Chicken, Stuffing, and Green Bean Casserole
Tuesday-Sweet Taco Salad (recipe coming later this week) with Mexican Cornbread
Wednesday-Marlboro Man's Favorite Sandwich with Homemade Fries
Thursday-Mexican Casserole with Corn on the Cob
Friday-Lemon Basil Pasta with Grilled (indoor) Chicken, Peas, and Spring Salad
Saturday-Turkey Veggie Spaghetti, The Bread, and Garden Salad
Sunday-Dinner with Family


  1. Gah this heat is rediculous! Have you seen the forecast for the next 10 days? 100+ every single day! We stayed inside all weekend. The menu looks great, then again I am hungry.

  2. I hate using the stupid oven! And I also don't mind grilling. Luckily, we have a covered patio with a ceiling fan :-)

  3. I love hot, but this is a little bit much. Just think, too, it's only July. =)
