Friday, July 8, 2011

Husband Appreciation Day

I'm declaring it.  It's Husband Appreciation Day.  Is there even such a thing?  Well...there is now.  It's today.  I just got to thinking, I can point out Steven's annoying qualities super fast.  Like when he sits on the couch, picks his toes, and then eats it.  Not really.  How many of you actually believed that?  However, I want to be sure to point out his awesomeness and today is the day. 
  • He always tells me he loves me and that I'm a great mom (even in moments I'm not).
  • When he sees I'm overwhelmed, he asks what he can do to help.
  • He's a very involved, loving father.
  • I know that he would sacrifice anything for the success of our family.
  • He would rather spend time as a family then chasing after his own ambitions.
  • He listens to me and the kids.
  • He leads a balanced life.
  • When I was preggo with Little Man, he would pray over me while I was sleeping every morning before he left for work.
  • He has a special song he made up and he sings it to Little Man every night.
  • He gets on the floor and plays dolls or Barbies with Little Miss.
  • He has always remained true to who he is.  He doesn't falter.  He isn't shady.  He is who he has always been.  He's consistent, and that's why I love him.
Now it's your turn...

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