Monday, April 18, 2011

Menu Monday and My Secret Revealed

Last Friday I had a little secret.  Very few people knew.  I kept it under wraps for a couple of reasons. 

Reason #1:  If I was a total flop, I wouldn't have to confess to too many people.

Reason #2:  If I was a total flop, I wouldn't have to confess to too many people.

Okay, so there was only reason.  Thankfully, everything went very well.  I did sweat profusely, but nothing a cardigan, and gobs of deoderant couldn't handle.  Here was my secret...

A couple of weeks ago I was asked to speak at a women's event at Family Church.  I was asked to share my financial testimony and then how couponing can help you save big.  I never thought I would ever do something like this.  Public speaking (in front of adults) makes me nervous.  Like, totally nervous.  However, before I even received the call, I had a premonition that I was going to be asked to step out of my comfort zone.  In my own little quiet time I was told to do it.  Deep down I didn't want to, but I've learned when God asks you to do something, you do it.  Period.

Thankfully, I listened. I met some amazing women, and got to spend an evening at an awesome church.  I didn't fall on my face, and I think I actually convinced a few women that couponing is not so crazy weird.  It was a great night.  So thank you Family Church for asking me to step out of my little world, because I had a blast!

Now for the menu this week...

Monday-Mediterranean Grilled Chicken with Grilled Onions and Peppers, and The Bread
Tuesday-Hamburgers with Pepperoni Pasta Salad
Wednesday-Fried Chicken Strips, Mashed Potatoes, Corn (A perfectly great artery clogging meal)
Thursday-Mexican Casserole, Arroz Con Gandules, Corn Saute
Friday-Dinner Out
Saturday-Fish Tacos with Trees and Raisins
Sunday-Easter Dinner @ my mama's!

If you're new stopping by, thanks for visiting!  I hope this menu helps you start saving.
Have a blessed week!


  1. What an awesome secret! So proud of you. I can't wait til you teach me some couponing skills...
