Friday, April 15, 2011

A Secret

Today's post is another shorty guy.  Partly because I have a massive eye headache.  The kind that is right behind your eye socket.  I loathe those.  That's not the complete reason for a short post.  The real reason lies within a secret.  A secret that I may or may not share on Monday. 

I have an 'activity' to do tonight, and I need to prepare and put on the final touches.  It's something I have never ever done before, and something I never ever thought I would do.  Nonetheless, I've already committed.  We'll just see if I can actually pull this off without mounds and mounds of sweat beads forming under my armpits.

However I do feel I must leave you with something show stopping.  Ya' know, 'cause it's Friday and all.  So I'll leave you with my show stopping to do list this weekend.  I know.  Contain yourself. 
  • Dig out the grass my husband has worked so hard to get just perfect to put in a flower bed in the back yard.
  • Plant 4 shrubs I rescued from my neighbors trash bags.  Freebies...I love 'em.
  • Transplant hostas and monkey grass to our flower bed from my grandparents.
  • Paint the window pane black. 
  • Paint the window pane black.  Again.
  • Paint the window pane black.  Again.  It's going to take lots of coats.
  • Sand parts of the window pane to show a rustic look.  Seriously.  Why do I go to the trouble?
  • Plan a Sunday morning outing for the kids...probably a Bass Pro visit.
I'm thinking this might be a little too ambitious.  So maybe we'll get the flower bed done, but for sure the kids will get their fun family time.  That's a must.

Happy Friday!!!


  1. I'm praying for you and your Friday surprise. You were meant for this. God has great plans for you. Keep walking in faith. I'm so proud of you!

  2. I will be completely redoing our front landscaping at the end of the month. I have bribed my parents into helping with food and their granddaughter!

  3. ugh I don't like secrets!! I'm like your biggest stalker and you won't even tell me! Hope that everything goes according to plan this weekend! Enjoy your family time :-)
