Thursday, February 3, 2011

All The Single Ladies

Single Ladies, I have a piece of advice for you today.  If you are dating someone who is lazy, dump him.  The End.

Good advice, right?  I'll bill you later for my profound idea.  But seriously, dump him.  He may be cute now, but he won't be able to dig you out of a snowstorm if it ever happens.  And believe me, it WILL happen. 

Never in my 30 years of life have I ever seen so much snow in Oklahoma.  Fourteen inches for us.  The snow drifts were even worse (about 4 1/2 feet on the side of our house and 3 feet built up against our front and back doors).  I was completely thankful when Steven put on his battle armor after the storm passed and went to work.  He's such a man!
{Blizzard of 2011}

You see, had I married a lazy bum I would have to get outside and do it myself.  Nope, not for me.  I'll take care of the chitlins inside.  That's my job.  Well, that and cooking.  Don't feel too sorry for him. He got homemade Apple Cinnamon Muffins for breakfast AND his favorite Sausage Spinach Pockets with Sweet Potato Fries AND the PW's Cinnamon Rolls.  Come to think of it, I think I got bamboozled!  He would have shoveled us out no matter what...

Oh well, I would have baked no matter what.  After all, he can't clean off a plate of cinnamon rolls like I can.

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