Friday, February 4, 2011

Free Entertainment

I have been in my house for four days now.  F-O-U-R days.  Can you hear the desperation???  Even though I like having my tiny family together in our house, we get bored.  However we found a gem.  A real gem.  A free gem, and who doesn't like free gems? 

If you're friends with me on Facebook, you've probably already seen mention of it.  I'm currently in love with the Free Zone on our cable.  More specifically, I'm in love with the Jillian Michaels workouts.  More specifically, specifically, I love to hate the Jillian Michaels workouts.  She's one bad mamba jamba.  My legs, deltoids, and abs are so sore.  Like really sore.  Like really, really sore.
{The infamous Jillian Michaels}

I've been contemplating this whole snowed in phenomenon, and I realized that I would have one rippin' body if I were snowed in on a consistent basis.  I could even look like Jillian Michaels.  Well, maybe not exactly.  I sure do love baked goodies and tasty fattening foods.  Living off 100% raw foods just doesn't sound like a life I am interested in living.  No sirree.  Not for me.  So for now, I'll just stick to the workouts in hopes that the cottage cheese on my thighs magically changes over to rippin' quads.  One can always hope.

I do have one more little personal tidbit to share today.  Simply because the cottage cheese on my thighs is not personal enough.  After completing the 6 Week, 6 Pack Abs workout, which should be renamed 'Full Body Workout That Incorporates an Ab Workout' workout, Steven thought we needed to do even more.  Graciously, I found the dancing section of the Free Zone.  I promise, I wasn't doing this for comedic purposes.  Okay, you know me too well.  I totally did this for comedic purposes. 

Steven *thinks* he can do two things really well...sing and dance.  So I chose the Hip Hop workout.  Let's just say, I got another great ab workout.  Steven was cracking me up trying to get his feet together with his hands and counting out the music.  I really wish I would have grabbed the camera.  Words cannot possibly express what was going on over here.  Extremely comical.  Although Steven's not a terrible dancer, he definitely could not make it on So You Think You Can Dance.  However, he seems to think he's ready to hit the clubs with his new found moves.  Be warned Tulsa area. Be warned.  Steven Torres could be out in the clubs soon...


  1. I know exactly what he looks like trying to dance because he probably looks like me! I tried Jazzercise with a friend in high school and all I have to say is I am glad I was in the back corner of the class!

  2. I sure wish we had Cox! I miss my classes! :(

  3. I want to look like that I just don't want to have to do anything. Is that so wrong? =)
