Wednesday, February 2, 2011

For Those Workin' Mamas

A few weeks back I posted about how I became a SAHM (stay at home mom).  In the history of Torres Tidbits I've never received so many comments/emails on a particular subject.  A lot of the emails made my heart hurt.  Emails from single mamas who undoubtedly have the most difficult job ever to women who just desire to be home with their kids, but don't know how to afford losing their income.  All sorts of situations, except one.  I didn't hear anything from the working moms.  So today, I'm sending out some love to those working moms.  After all I have been there, and done that.

In sharing some love, I'll talk about about two different working moms.  Here's the first one...

Mama #1
Chunky Monkey's Mom (my lovely sister-in-law).  She has an awesome job that she loves.  She's pretty stinkin' good at her job.  She sells drugs, and makes some darn good money selling drugs.  Don't worry.  She does it legally as a pharmaceutical sales representative.  Anyway, she's a good mama to Chunky Monkey.  She enjoys her time with him, but she also enjoys time at her job.  She doesn't love him less because she works.  When she's not working, she and my brother-in-law make sure they have special activities to do with him.

Mama #2
Mama #2 is a woman I admire greatly. Her name is Linda.  I had the privilege of teaching both of Linda's children (J & O) in their fourth grade years, and I worked alongside her sharing students who participated in her Math program. 

In J & O's younger years, she taught part time.  When her children reached school age, she went back to teaching full time.  Linda always demonstrated a kind and patient love for her children.  And when I say children, I mean her biological children and her students.  She is a phenomenal mom and a phenomenal teacher.  She is a selfless woman who would do anything to see children succeed (again her children or her students). 

Linda also had tremendous balance as a working mom.  She didn't stay all hours of the evening working at school.  When school time was over, she was immediately focused on J & O.  School was over, and family time was beginning.  If you've ever been a teacher, you know that's hard to do! 

My whole point in sharing today is to acknowledge all moms.  Whether you work outside the home or inside the home, you're still a mom AND that is a hard job in itself.  I feel fortunate to be able to see both sides of the 'mom job' which brings me to my final point.

Working Moms: Stay at home moms have a difficult job.  Most of us don't sit on our bon-bons all day and complain about how hard our life is (even though I have run across a few).  For the most part, we admire the jobs you do. 

Stay At Home Moms: Working moms do not love their kids less because they work.  Some have to work, and others enjoy their work.  Whichever the case they shouldn't be judged for it.  For the most part, working moms realize you have a difficult job at home too.

So the next time someone asks you what you do for a living, you tell them proud!  Shout it from the roof tops.  For example, my sister-in-law would yell, "I sell drugs and I'm proud of it!!!"  And then she would be arrested...her husband's a police officer...probably not a good idea...


  1. Thanks for that Amanda! Since you have worked full time and became a stay at home mom you can definitely relate both types of moms! I know that being a stay at home mom is a full time job too, just in a different way. Though I prefer to work at home with my own child instead of at a job with a bunch of adults (who are old enough to be my parents) that you have to hold their hand to get work done! Ha! Adults do need that interaction with other adults too.

  2. I think our 'generation' of women are in a tough position because we've been raised to be independent and use our education and 'take on the world' while simultaneously fulfilling those old-school stereotypical roles as well. It's one of those blessing and curse situations for me.
    Truth is, if you're a SAHM, single, or happily working Mom who's achieving any sort of success with your family-then you must be doing something right! Feel good about it and be happy that other women can feel good about the way they are living their lives. It takes all kinds :)
