Monday, January 31, 2011

Menu Monday

We're getting ready to hunker down in my parts.  We've been super spoiled with beautiful spring like weather, and now we're preparing for ice and snow.  Only in Oklahoma can we change from 70's to teens within 5 days.  I do love it here though.  Change is always nice.

Since we're having some nasty weather expected to arrive tonight and continue through tomorrow, I thought we needed some major comfort foods.  Nice warm, soupy, casserole-y (yep, I just created that word) foods. 

Monday-Baked Ham, Stuffing, and Corn (carried over from last week's menu)
Tuesday-Tortilla Soup & Corn Saute
Wednesday-Monterey Chicken, Peas, Honey Bread (carried over from last week's menu)
Thursday-Sausage Spinach Pockets & Sweet Potato Fries
Friday-Chicken & Dumplings & Angel Biscuits
Saturday-Turkey Veggie Spaghetti, Cheesy Bread, Green Beans, Salad
Sunday-Family Dinner Out (after being couped up for several days, I'm pretty sure we'll be due for an outing!)


  1. I'm making two of your dinners from a couple of weeks ago this week. I'm really liking your Monday Menus.

  2. I am making PW's Sour Cream Enchiladas tonight with rice and beans. Ashley Ann's Cocktail meatballs tomorrow with salad and french bread. BLT's with Chicken Noodle Soup on Wed. Breakfast for dinner on Thursday.

    Not that you really Just thought I would share!

  3. Alice, I totally care! Please share every week. I saw those Sour Cream Enchiladas. They looked really tasty. Let me know how they turn out...same with the meatballs.

    Yanet, I sure hope they turn out good for you!!! I feel pressure!

  4. I'm just going to spare myself the hassle of making my menu each week and instead just use your old ones! Everything always sounds so good. We only get a meat, a side/veggie, and something green on our plates in this house -- your meals are much more creative :) Thx for always sharing the recipes too. TTYL!
