Friday, January 28, 2011

I'll Show You

Guess what?  Someone decided he wanted to write his own name yesterday.  Funny how I've come to terms with Little Man taking his precious time to write his name and then he just sits down to do it.  I'm sure my neighbors thought a tragedy was occurring in our home about 4pm Thursday.  I turned from the stove to see Little Man at the counter with his blue marker in hand, tongue out, and carefully writing the letters to his name.  Not only did he write his name once, he wrote it twice and put down his own age.  I squealed.  Squealed so loud he dropped his marker and said, "Moooommmmm!  You mess me up." 

And because I am one of THOSE moms, here's a pic of his first ever handwritten name...

I am so very proud of his determination.  I think I'll kiss the librarian next week for assigning him the 'Me Book'.  Then she'll probably inform me that we are to never attend again.  I don't respect personal space very well.

Now, about next week I've got a bit of a surprise for you in the form of a dessert.  If you're trying to lose weight then maybe you should stay away.  This recipe is a doozie from my BFF Jackie.  She likes to make me fat!

Happy Friday Everyone!!!