Monday, December 27, 2010

A Success

Since I'm sure you have all been on pins and needles wondering about my Christmas Feast, I'll fill you in...It was a SUCCESS!  I even have the pictures to prove it...

{Me and my rice, and of course my NEW pot}

{The base to the rice.  Mmmmm}

{The finished product.  Introducing my first attempt at arroz con gandules}

Now onto the meat.  Also a huge success.  We had the traditional turkey, and a Puerto Rican style ham, pernil.  It's juicy.  It's flavorful.  It's delicious.

{Supervising the turkey carving.}

{The Table}

If you're wondering about Menu Monday, it's not happening.  Frankly, I can't even think about food right now.  Maybe ever.  I consumed enough calories in one day to last me a week.  

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