Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A Lesson In Marriage

The other day I was getting ready to put Little Man to bed and he grabbed my hand.  While his soft little fingers were rubbing the diamond in my wedding ring, he asked, "Momma, where'd you get this ring?"

I explained to him that a long time ago Daddy decided he loved Mommy so much that he gave me a ring to show his love.  At this point I shortened the story because it was bedtime and I was tired.  Which is not unlike any other night.  I'm pretty much always tired.  No, I'm not pregnant.  I have no excuse.  I'm just tired.  Anyway, as we were walking to his room he stopped right in front of me, turned around and said, "Well, I love Little Miss so much that I want to give her a ring too.  Will you help me buy a ring for Little Miss?"

This is precisely why I love being a parent to more than one child. The relationship Little Man and Little Miss have is an innocent unconditional love.  It reminds me how I need to not only love my own family, but love others outside my family as well.
I love this pic of the two of them because all we were trying to do was capture a few pics of the kids dressed up for the Christmas service at church, and they wanted to hug each other.  Little Miss' face is priceless.  She loves her brother as much as he loves her.


  1. I got misty on that one! So precious:)

  2. I love that pic! You're making your mama cry again. Write a book. God's gifted you with words!

  3. I agree with your mom. You truly are gifted in putting a story in print. I hope that after the holiday season dies down you will start recommending some children and adult books again. We have loved the ones you have recommended.
    Happy New Year! Blog on Amanda, blog on!!!!
