Friday, December 24, 2010

What's That You Say? Today Is Not Saturday?

Today is not Saturday.  That's news to me.  It feels like Saturday.  Steven is off work.  We all slept in.  We ate Saturday morning breakfast together.  All the signs of a Saturday, but today is Friday. 

Since today is in fact Friday and not Saturday, I did not have a blog post ready.  You will all be thrilled to know that I love you all so much I decided to put one together this morning.  Like right now.  However, it's not that interesting.  It's a to-do list.  An itinerary if you will.

  9:00   Write a blog post, because it's Friday.  Not Saturday.
10:00   Make dough for crescents tomorrow
10:30   Begin baking (toffee, peanut butter blossoms, peanut butter clusters)
11:00   Clean the whole house.  Steven gets to help.  He doesn't know it yet. He'll be so excited!
11:30   Make the pip squeaks lunch.  Back to cleaning.
12:00   Continue cleaning.  Remind Steven that standing in front of the tv does not constitute as cleaning.
  1:00   Nap time!  My very favorite part of the day!!!
  2:00   Hopefully the cleaning will be finished.  Hopefully.
  3:00   Get ready for the best Christmas Performance ever!
  4:00   Leave for the best Christmas Performance ever.  An hour early.  It fills up fast!
  5:00   Best Christmas Performance ever begins.
  6:30   Dinner at my Mama's.
  8:00   Head home for bedtime!  My second favorite part of the day.
 10:00  Hit the sack.  Santa won't come until everyone's asleep.

Merry Christmas!

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