I digress.
My attitude was stinking up my whole house this afternoon. I have a PILE of stuff that needs to be attended to, yet I'm tired. I'm working tirelessly trying to manage it all, but all I want to do is nap. When I looked at the clock and realized it a nap, not even 10 minutes, was going to take place I decided to get the mail. In the stack of junk was one thing I look forward to the most. A letter from one of our 'adopted' children.
Say what? Yes, we have a few adopted children through Compassion International. Their names are Luis (from Peru) and Lesly (from Mexico). Both children are apart of our family. We help support them financially so they are able to attend school, have meals, supplies, and clothing, as well as learn about a God who loves them more than they can even hope to imagine. We get to send birthday and Christmas gifts to them on their special days. We get to pray for them and encourage them. In return, they encourage us as well.
When I think about what all we are able to do with our finances, it makes my head spin. When I walked away from my lucrative (that's a joke) teaching career, I knew times would get hard. I also knew, and still know, that God is faithful. We've had our share of challenging financial times. We've gone without a lot of things we would have loved to have, but little by little we've seen abundant blessings.
That brings me to Arbonne. I've shared before how I never in a million years ever thought Arbonne was for me. Not at all. Once I got passed my own pride I realized Arbonne is a vehicle to help others. Whether through the products that I love or through the financial freedom it offers.
Arbonne has allowed us to change the lives of Luis and Lesly. We can freely give each month above our tithe because of what Arbonne has to offer. It's not just a business. It's a life change, and it never stops. My dream is to one day take my Arbonne check and purchase 5 plane tickets to Peru and Mexico. I want to hug and love on Luis and Lesly and their families. I want to pour into them the way others have poured into my life. I want them to know that life may be hard for them now, but God has a plan to prosper them. To give them hope. To give them a future.~ Jeremiah 29:11
I want them to know that they are deeply loved by this crazy Torres Family. I also want them to know there are ways of achieving their dreams even if it comes in a way they never thought possible. Arbonne has been that for me. I am so thankful I finally said yes. I am so thankful for all of you who have opened your homes for Spa Nights or Healthy Happy Hours. I want to thank those who gave Arbonne a chance and love their products. Thank you for giving me a chance. Because of you, I am able to have a loving, lasting relationship with two children I will someday meet.
If you are looking for ways to support others, ask me about Arbonne. It may be an answer for you. Spa Nights are an amazing time for you and your friends to get pampered. Healthy Happy Hours are full of information and samples on doable ways to improve your health.
If you are looking specifically to help children all over the world, log on to CompassionInterational.org and sponsor a child. Your life will never be the same. I promise you this!