Thursday, September 26, 2013

Because of Arbonne, Because of You

This week has been a week of attitude checking.  My attitude has needed to be checked and guarded so often.  I've had to dish out apologies to my children for irrational behavior and frustration.  I have been feeling run down and tired.  I allowed my feelings to grab a hold of me instead of me grabbing hold of my feelings.  Funny how I just posted on guarding your peace and focus and it is exactly what I have had to practice this week. 

I digress.

My attitude was stinking up my whole house this afternoon.  I have a PILE of stuff that needs to be attended to, yet I'm tired.  I'm working tirelessly trying to manage it all, but all I want to do is nap.  When I looked at the clock and realized it a nap, not even 10 minutes, was going to take place I decided to get the mail.  In the stack of junk was one thing I look forward to the most.  A letter from one of our 'adopted' children.


Say what? Yes, we have a few adopted children through Compassion International.  Their names are Luis (from Peru) and Lesly (from Mexico).  Both children are apart of our family.  We help support them financially so they are able to attend school, have meals, supplies, and clothing, as well as learn about a God who loves them more than they can even hope to imagine.  We get to send birthday and Christmas gifts to them on their special days.  We get to pray for them and encourage them.  In return, they encourage us as well.

When I think about what all we are able to do with our finances, it makes my head spin.  When I walked away from my lucrative (that's a joke) teaching career, I knew times would get hard.  I also knew, and still know, that God is faithful.  We've had our share of challenging financial times.  We've gone without a lot of things we would have loved to have, but little by little we've seen abundant blessings.

That brings me to Arbonne.  I've shared before how I never in a million years ever thought Arbonne was for me.  Not at all.  Once I got passed my own pride I realized Arbonne is a vehicle to help others.  Whether through the products that I love or through the financial freedom it offers.

Arbonne has allowed us to change the lives of Luis and Lesly.  We can freely give each month above our tithe because of what Arbonne has to offer.  It's not just a business.  It's a life change, and it never stops.  My dream is to one day take my Arbonne check and purchase 5 plane tickets to Peru and Mexico.  I want to hug and love on Luis and Lesly and their families.  I want to pour into them the way others have poured into my life.  I want them to know that life may be hard for them now, but God has a plan to prosper them.  To give them hope.  To give them a future.~ Jeremiah 29:11

I want them to know that they are deeply loved by this crazy Torres Family.  I also want them to know there are ways of achieving their dreams even if it comes in a way they never thought possible.  Arbonne has been that for me.  I am so thankful I finally said yes.  I am so thankful for all of you who have opened your homes for Spa Nights or Healthy Happy Hours.  I want to thank those who gave Arbonne a chance and love their products.  Thank you for giving me a chance.  Because of you, I am able to have a loving, lasting relationship with two children I will someday meet.

If you are looking for ways to support others, ask me about Arbonne.  It may be an answer for you.  Spa Nights are an amazing time for you and your friends to get pampered.  Healthy Happy Hours are full of information and samples on doable ways to improve your health. 

If you are looking specifically to help children all over the world, log on to and sponsor a child.  Your life will never be the same.  I promise you this!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


What do you think of when you think of foam?  A memory foam mattress?  Foam bubbles? Something soft and fluffy?  Comfort?  Do you think of this?

I never did.  I equated foam with light, fluffy feelings.  My thoughts on foam have seriously changed.  Seriously.  I now think of foam is of the devil.  Not exactly of the devil, but it is the most painful, excruciating necessity.

Since upping mileage in running, I've developed a bit of a tight IT Band.  If I stretch religiously (everyday, multiple times a day) I don't have many issues with it.  Rolling out my IT Band becomes more of a minor annoyance.  If I get lazy and don't stretch, rolling out my IT Band is like that of labor contractions.  The pain takes my breath away.

It all really stinks.  The foam roller stinks.  The knee pain stinks.  Being limited stinks.  On the other hand, I still have two legs that function well.  I have the ability to push myself during running and interval training.  I just have pain.  Too bad the answer to fixing that pain is even more painful.  I hate foam now.  It is not soft and fluffy and light.  It is brutal.

Seize the Day

Chubby Cheekers. Ah man.  That boy had my heart.  So much of him is a 3 year old trapped in a 1.5 year olds body.  He is sweet and spirited and funny and can throw temper tantrums like nobody's business.  He is our icing on the cake.  He's our party in a box.  He's our snuggle bug.  He's our jokester.  He's so much all the time.

Most days I'm exhausted from chasing him around.  He figures things out so quickly.  I try to stay a few steps ahead of him, but most days I'm sprinting behind.  I can't imagine our family without our little Chubby Cheekers.  Especially on beautiful sunny days.  Beautiful sunny days in the 70's.  Beautiful sunny days in the 70's when you're getting your diaper changed in the cool breeze.  Beautiful sunny days in the 70's when you're getting your diaper changed in the cool breeze, and you realize for one split second you can zip away from mom. 

Then you're home free...


Free to run and jump and play and let it all hang out.  

It took me a good 15 minutes of running around the trampoline to finally wrestle this guy down and strap on a clean diaper.  I tell you...this guy keeps me on my toes.  All. The. Time.

Monday, September 23, 2013

This Is THE Week..and Menu Monday

This is THE week.  The week where I get to get out of town.  The week I get to spend with girls only.  The week where I get to be responsible for only myself.  Actually, it's not the whole week, but it sure feels like it.  On Friday afternoon I head to OKC to spend a weekend with my Arbonne peeps for a reward trip I earned.  I cannot wait to share pics and stories with you.  I've heard it's an amazing weekend meeting ladies from all over the US and world. 

Since I will be out of town, I'm planning for my family to fend for themselves this weekend.  This is so unlike me.  Normally, I plan meals and prepare them beforehand to help Steven, but not this time.  I feel so rebellious.  Instead, I made sure there is plenty of meats and veggies to last the weekend...and of course some cash.  This girl is taking some VACATION TIME!

So here's my menu...

Monday-Key West Chicken, Parmesan Biscuits, Broccoli and Cheese
Tuesday-Pulled Pork Sandwiches, Ultra Crispy Potatoes, Salad
Wednesday-Chicken Roll Ups and Green Beans
Thursday-Pot Roast, Potatoes, and Carrots, Buttered Bread

Friday, September 20, 2013


I don't want to toot my own horn or anything, but I actually managed to find time to write every day this week.  Overachieving at its finest.  Unfortunately for you, I don't have a lot of pertinent information to share.  You're about to get a load of random thoughts.  I apologize in advance.  
  • Little Man had a football game last night.  I am the idiot parent who cheers a little too loudly.  Eventually, I will be asked to not come to games.
  • Little Miss is in the stage of picking out her own clothes.  Just keep that in mind when you see us in public.
  • Chubby Cheekers is in the stage of spilling everything on his shirt...and...rubbing food in his hair.  Just keep that in mind when you see us in public.
  • I had a brilliant idea of running while pushing two toddlers in a double jogger just so I didn't have to wake up at 5:30am.  Next time, I'll choose 5:30am.  
  • Bravery happened the other day.  I went to school drop off all sweaty and stinky.  It was liberating...for me.  Later on I caught a whiff of myself and immediately felt sorry for the poor souls that shared the same air space. 
  • The cooler weather headed in this weekend prompted me to buy a rump roast.  Yes, cold weather leaves me with a craving for animal bottom.
  • I went to buy mint extract and my hand glided over vanilla extract.  It made me think of beaver booty.  Cooler weather does not leave me craving beaver booty.  Pass on the vanilla.
  • Our annual outdoor movie night is Saturday night.  Let's be real.  This is just an excuse to eat pizza and popcorn and not feel bad about it.  It has little to do with the actual movie.
  • Secretly, I wish I were one of those parents who put little thought into birthday parties.  Get a cake, rent a place, buy some pizza...done.  BUT, I over think details.  For Little Man's party, I think I'm going to go with the easy route.  Of course I'll have to think about whether I'll do that or not.
  • I finally convinced Little Miss a pumpkin party was way cooler than a princess party.  At a pumpkin party everyone can wear a costume and boys can come too.  I feel like a master manipulator.  I have issues.
  • After reading about the end of the prophet Elijah's life, I realized how stubborn both Elijah and Elisha were.  There is hope for Chubby Cheekers.
  • Right now my contacts are so dry, I can barely see the computer.  That's when you throw in the towel and call it a night.
Have a great weekend.  Go and bless someone who is least expecting it.  Give a little grace, guard a little peace, get down tonight.  Mmmmhmmm, get down tonight.  Whoops!  Got a little sidetracked there. 

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Guard Yourself

Surround yourself with people who desire for you to be and do better.  

Long ago a chose friends who 'got' me.  I hung around people who were fun.  I didn't really think about the ramifications of hanging with those that were heading down the wrong path.  If they were having fun and I was having fun, we hung out.  In most cases, this worked out well.  In other cases, I could have saved myself some heartbreak and a lot regrets.

Now, my life is so different.  I have an amazing group of friends that make me better in many different aspects of my life.

Yesterday, I was cooling down and stretching with my morning F.I.T. Boot Camp friends.  Erica, my friend and fitness instructor, challenged us all to practice guarding.  She asked what are some things we should guard in our daily lives.  I knew mine immediately.  My attitude.  My days can be so crazy and stressful.  I can choose to let my attitude get out of control or let my attitude be that of a servant.  Servants don't really get to choose to serve.  They just serve.  No matter what is thrown their way, no matter how others treat them, they serve.  I need to guard myself in this area.

The precious girl next to me shouted out, "Peace!  I need to guard my peace."   I needed to hear that.  I would have never thought about guarding my peace.  Never, but guarding my peace is exactly what I need to focus on every single day.  

Our schedule gets increasingly crazier every year.  We have reached the stage of life where we are gone each night.  Some nights we are a split family.  From the 4 o'clock to 6 o'clock hours Monday thru Friday it is balls to the wall at our house.  Still hanging on to the time we all sit and eat together, I have to cook up something fast, get it on the table, eat, and then clean it up in world's record time.  All of that prep time sometimes leaves me barking orders to get the table set, toys cleaned up, uniforms on, homework finished, reading done, it goes on and on and on and on...

It totally defeats the whole purpose of eating a meal together.  It takes so much stress and dysfunction to get dinner on the table, everyone needs the prayer just to forgive the whining and rudeness directed towards each other.  

Peace. I need to guard our peace.  I set the tone of how we prep, start, and end our dinner together.  Whether that means I need to prep more in advance or make meals simplified or go out for dinner, peace needs to be guarded.

I am thankful for those that surround me during the week.  I am thankful for those that challenge me to be better without even knowing it.  I am thankful I finally decided that I would be like those I hang around so I'd better choose the best people. I am thankful I have so many that speak life into me so I can, in turn, speak life into others.  It's not just what I get from others, but what I can give to others as well  So I hope this has something for you.  I hope you leave today with a thought about what you want to guard today.  Is it your attitude?  Is it your peace?  What is it?  We all have something.  Guard it.  Make yourself better today.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

My Party or Her Party

It's getting close to Birthday Season around here.  Eight birthdays in the course of 3 months constitutes Birthday Season.  First up is my niece.  I won't even tell you how old she will be because it makes me feel old.  She's early next month.  A week later we celebrate Little Miss' life.  She will be five.  She has an opinion.  She wants a princess party.  I want a cute Pinterest party.

I've spent most of the evening baking and consuming chocolate chip cookies pinning pumpkin party ideas.  She has a Fall birthday after all.  There are so many fun things to do with a pumpkin party. Seriously, how fun would this be?
pumpkin party game ideas - Bing Images 
And this...
 Room Mom Extraordinaire: Painting Pumpkins party
And decorations like this...

Amanda's Parties TO GO: Little Pumpkin Party Set 
and this...

Painted Pumpkin Party | Bower Power

Wait, you say.  It's her party. Not my party.  But what about Cinderella?  There was a pumpkin in that movie.  Maybe I could spin it that way.  OR, Or, or, maybe I could make it a Fall Fairy Party with pumpkins.  Who am I kidding?  I'm going to have to run all this by the Princess herself and see what happens.  Worst case scenario, I'll just throw a Fall Festival Party.  I can't just go wasting good pins now, can I? 

No, no I can't.  That would be a crime.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Chubby Cheekers~19 Months

Hello out there!  It's me.  Stealing the computer again to update you on my life.

I would like to officially announce that Mommy needs a new computer.  I have heard her talk about firing up the 2006 Dell computer, and now I get why she laughs about it.  This computer is so slow.  I almost fell asleep waiting for my page to load.  That woman needs to bite the bullet and get a new computer.  However, one thing I've learned about her is she doesn't get new until the old no longer works.  So I'm asking you people, please pray for the computer to bite the bullet so I can be more efficient with my time.  I'm a busy baby.

I know you all didn't come to hear about a 7 year old laptop.  You came to read about ME!

My latest antics have recently included, but not limited to, writing on all surfaces with permanent marker.  I am most successful with the wood floors and my body.  If you see me in public, it's okay to admire my handiwork.  I can manage quite the masterpiece in a short amount of time.  All I need is a good 30 seconds to locate the marker hiding spot, get the lid off, and go to town creating works of art.  Of course, no one appreciates my work now.  I'm telling you.  I'm the next big thing...that's if Mommy leaves my work in tact.  She recently discovered that toothpaste will rid permanent marker off any hard surface.  Well guess what?  That crazy woman needs to invest in a LOT of toothpaste because I don't plan on stopping anytime soon.

Other than artwork, I am perfecting my language skills.  I speak in sentences and refer to family and friends by name.  Mommy says I'm too smart for my own good, Daddy thinks I'm a genius, and Little Man and Little Miss like to say new funny words that I gladly repeat.  My favorite new phrase is, "You fawted, Daddy!"  I can also say, "Booty Bonk!" pretty well too.  It's a game Little Man taught me. Basically, we turn around and hit each other with our booties.  First one to fall down loses.  It's the most awesome game ever! We live super classy over here.  Don't be jealous!

Now I'm not about to sign off without giving you a current picture.  I must warn you.  My hair is getting really long, but when you have locks like mine, your mom won't cut your hair.  At this rate, I will have a mullet until I am old enough to make my own decisions.  So see my first 'do' in about 20 years :)

On a side note, don't you think I have the most beautiful sis?  When I get bigger I'm gonna have to let those older boys know she's not available!  Me, Daddy, my bubs, Chunky Monkey, and Mr. Fluffypants will take care of her.  Boy POWER!\

Chubby Cheekers

(Torres Tidbiters, I totally know Chubby Cheekers hacks my computer regularly to update you all on his little life.  I also promised to keep you up to date on Arbonne Shake Recipes.  Shake #3 below.)
                                                                 KIWI LIME SHAKE
2 scoops of Arbonne Vanilla Protein Powder + 1 scoop of Arbonne Fiber Boost, Handful of sliced kiwis, Juice of 2 lime wedges (to intensify flavor, add lime zest), 6 -8 ice cubes, ¼ cup coconut milk, Almond milk or Vanilla Rice Dream to desired consistency.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Menu Monday

On Friday I shared with you the Shake Challenge.  I would love to have you join Steven and I.  We are on a continuous journey towards better health, and I'm thankful for Arbonne products that have helped me along the way.  In order to help give you some empowerment during this challenge I will post a variety of different shake recipes for you to try.  On Facebook, I began sharing on Saturday.  Here are those two recipes:

Almond Joy

2 scoops of Arbonne Chocolate Protein Powder + 1 scoop of Arbonne Fiber Boost
1 cup Almond milk
1 Tbsp Almond Butter
½ tsp coconut extract
6-8 ice cubes

Pretty In Pink

2 scoops of Arbonne Vanilla Protein Powder + 1 scoop of Arbonne Fiber Boost
Splash of pure cranberry juice          
1 handful strawberries and raspberries (fresh or frozen)
6-8 ice cubes
Almond, Coconut or Rice Milk to desired slushy consistency

 These are just a few in a long list.  You can see from the two above there are some very different options.  Shakes for 30 days is not only doable.  It's an easy exchange!

Now for the rest of our food consumption, I give you the weekly menu...

Monday-Hamburgers, Sweet Potato Fries, Berry Salad
Tuesday-Pizza Bread and Salad
Wednesday-Fish Tacos, Grilled Peppers and Onions, Brown Rice
Thursday-Greek Chicken, Steamed Broccoli, Parmesan Biscuits
Friday-Sweet and Sour Chicken, Fried Rice, Snap Peas
Saturday-Grilled Cheese and Chicken Noodle Soup
Sunday-Dinner at Mom's

Friday, September 13, 2013

Shake It Up

Earlier this week I shared a few things I learned about the ramifications of one's body that produces too much estrogen.  You can read about it here, but I want to be perfectly clear...check with your doctor before making changes to your health!

One part Dr. James Ross discussed was the importance of ridding our bodies of outside estrogen found in the foods we consume, body products we use, and the air/pollution around us.  I am thankful for the 30 Day Detox I went through, but it was challenging.  The benefits far outweighed any sacrifices I made. 

For instance, I shed the remaining pounds that were clinging for dear life around my mid-section.  I considered it extra skin.  Go ahead and laugh.  Psh, extra skin?  Yeah, surrrrre!  Good one, Amanda.  I know.  I tried to make myself feel better.

It has been 4.5 months since I fully completed a detox with no cheating.  I have since stopped breastfeeding, yet I haven't put any of the weight shed back in April.  One reason is my liver was unclogged, which made it possible for it to filter my intake of foods.

Another BIG reason is I made some lifelong changes.  That brings me to today. 

Every morning I make an Arbonne Vegan Protein Shake for our family.  I pour it in a 1 sippy cup, 1 extra large cup, and 1 cutesy cup with a straw.  I'll let you guess what cup goes where.  (Yeah, Steven loves the cutesy cups). 

Making a shake has really been a life change for us.  I do it for two reasons:

Reason #1:  As crazy as our mornings are in the Torres Household, making a vegan shake filled with fruits and veggies is faster and I can drink it down on the way to school.

Reason #2:  I am so passionate about giving my digestive system a break from all the solid foods I put in, I want to reap the benefits from drinking a meal. 

BAM!  Two reasons.  Two good reasons.  So where does this mean for you?

Your body is a temple.  Some of you know that a change needs to be made for you to better care for your temple, you just don't know where to start.  What would it look like for you if you took 30 days and replaced 1-2 regular meals a day? 

I can tell you what it will look like.  Weight loss, less bloating, less digestion issues, less snacking, less, less, less.  I would love for you to join me for 30 Days...September 22-October 22.  For me, this won't be a challenge.  I already do one shake a day.  This challenge just reaffirms for me that I am on the right track for my health. 

If you want to join me on this challenge, you will need a few things:
  • 1-2 bags of vegan Arbonne protein (flavors: chocolate or vanilla)
  • 1 bag of fiber
That's it.  If this is for you, please contact me and I will help you figure out what you need.  You can get in touch with me a few different ways:
  • Email:  wispclips(at)hotmail(dot)com
  • Facebook:  Leave a comment or a message.
  • Phone: (918) 269-five0five5
 {Packaging of Arbonne Protein: 30 servings}

Thursday, September 12, 2013

What a Crock: Using My Pot for Good

Well, I did it. I dusted off the ol' crock pot and fired it up. It's that season again. You know the one where you wonder if you put deodorant on just one armpit or two...or maybe not at all. Did I brush my teeth? Are all the kids in the car? Where the heck are my keys?

Let's be honest, when you're in the Mommy Trenches you either pull out MREs, drive thru it, or crock pot it. Since meals ready to eat don't sound too appealing, and drive thru-ing it isn't a good healthy option all the time, crock potting it is. 

Once I realized it was Crock Pot Season, I turned to Pinterest.  Then, I found this beauty...

Gluten Free Dairy Free Chicken Fiesta Soup recipe- Dinner #freezercooking #glutenfree #dairyfree

I had roasted a chicken the night before so I already had shredded the leftovers.  This was speedy fast and a hit.  We paired it with Corn Casserole.  A match made in heaven!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Too Much Estrogen In the Room

Yesterday I walked into my kitchen and there was WAY too much estrogen in the room. Usually, I like having estrogen in the room. After all, I usually have too many penises in the house. Estrogen is welcomed. Then I realized I'm surrounded by estrogen that is affecting me daily. Too much of it.

 A few nights ago I went to listen to a popular doctor in Tulsa, OK. Dr. James Ross has spent most of his career focusing on women's hormones and the studies that go along with it. He and his wife, Missy, were so gracious to open their home to loads of women (and a few men) to discuss the overabundance of estrogen, the problems associated with overexposure, and how to fix it. Let's just say I went in thinking, This isn't going to apply to me, and walked away with a lot to think about. In fact, once Dr. Ross began his presentation my hand could not keep up fast enough. I was mad at myself that I didn't have my phone in hand to record him. Thankfully, I learned to take good notes in college. See? That piece of paper with fancy letters and emblem on it wasn't a complete waste.

 Here's what I learned:

  Estrogen: How Are We Overexposed? Sometimes our bodies don't produce enough progesterone to keep our estrogen in check. On top of that most foods we consume contain levels of estrogen (soy is a big one...all the more reason to choose Arbonne vegan protein), there are xenoestrogens from pollution and plastics that we breathe, and our personal care products are raising our estrogen levels as well.

  What Are Some Signs and Symptoms of Too Much Estrogen? For women it can range from mood disorders, weight gain, fatique, stress, inflammation, thyroid issues, osteoporosis, sleep disorders, decreased libido, irregular menstrual cycles, fybroids, acne, migranes, and chronic yeast infections. For men (yes men can be overexposed too) it can range from mood disorders, prostate issues, ED, man boobs, and hair loss.

 What Do We Need To Balance Our Hormones: If your hormones are imbalanced (please see your physician), you may need progesterone. However, not all progesterone is created equally. You want to look for a bio-identical hormone, not synthetic. You want a hormone that is made as our body produces it naturally. Bio-identicals can be used safely.

 Progesterone is basically the unsung hero of the hormonal system to keep estrogen in check. Using a progesterone cream like Arbonne's Prolief Cream will help to balance your estrogen levels. In addition, detoxing your body and changing out personal care products for pure, safe, and beneficial products will also help to balance your hormonal levels.

 Thankfully, I was introduced to Arbonne in a way that made sense to me back in March. Little by little I fall in love with what the company has to offer products and business wise. Every product is tested and rated against their belief system of pure, safe, and beneficial. If it doesn't pass the test, it's not an Arbonne product. I am also thankful that there is an array of products. From lotions to cosmetics, protein shakes to detox tea, shampoo to skin care, energy replacement to supplements, Arbonne has it ALL. Even Prolief Progesterone Cream!

 If you would like to look around at the products I love, head on over to Click join Arbonne at the top.  You can use my ID# 13569841, to look around at all Arbonne has to offer.  Also, ask away any questions. That's what I did, and still do, to keep moving forward towards better health.

Friday, September 6, 2013

I'm Shrinking

For years my hair has been long. For years I loved it. I loved the long flow the many ways I could style it. The freedom of tying it up and it forever being away from my face. It was lovely.

The whole beachy waves thing was great.  The curls.  The fun of it all.  At least it was fun until I no longer fixed it.  On most days it was in a bun...or a ponytail...or a mess...or basically, not fixed.  For weeks I have wanted to do something different, but when I ask, "Hey do you think I should cut my hair?" the reactions were like I asked if I should cut off my right arm.

You're hair?  What?  Why would you cut it?  You can't cut your hair.  It's so long.

After a while I felt like Samson from the Bible.  Was I going to lose all my superhuman mom strength if I cut it all off?  It seriously had me freaked out.  I just stopped asking, and made an appointment.

Today, my hair is 9 inches shorter sitting right above my shoulders.  I love it.  It's easier to manage.  I'm sure someday I will grow it back out, but for today I'm rocking the short mom do.  At least until I find the ponytail holders I hid from myself.

Pics to follow on a later post.  I guess you'll have to catch me out in public for now.  That's if you recognize me ;)

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Addicted: Breaking the Cycle

Amongst other things, we have been focused on helping a family member break the cycle of addiction. It has been emotional. It has caused us to lose sleep. It has caused tears. Thankfully, the cycle is now broken and life can resume to a more normal state of living.

I'm almost embarrassed to tell you who and what it was, but I will. For the last 18 months Chubby Cheekers has been addicted to the Milk Twins. It was getting so bad that he named his blankie Boobie. Yeah, you read that right. When he gets tired or upset, he yells, Where'd Boobie go? or Boobie? Booooo-beeee? When you're at home it's kinda funny. When you are out in public, it's kinda embarrassing. Although, that's not really the most embarrassing part.

 I'm really gonna get you on this one. Sometimes, alright...I'll be honest, all the time I'd ask Chubby Cheekers, "Who wants Boobie?" before nap or bed and everytime he'd throw up both his arms and yell real loud, "MEEEEEEEE!" The joy and excitement in his voice was almost too much to contain. I had to share it with friends and family.

Funny how they didn't think it was cute.

When I showed my SIL what he'd do, she quickly put down her phone, looked at me, and very seriously said, "OMG Amanda! Get that kid off the boob."

 When I showed my friend Erica what he'd do she said, "Are you serious? Maybe it's time to call it quits."

When I showed my husband, he just put his head in his hand and said, "I have a titty baby."

Yep, honey, you do. Literally. Chubby Cheekers loves the boob.

That right there was making it difficult for me to wean him. I mean, he's my last baby. However, I'm a semi reasonable woman so I began the process of weaning. No longer offering, but no longer refusing. Well, that didn't go well. Then I realized my milk supply was diminishing with all the running I am doing. One night we sat down to nurse and I began to think I was witnessing an exorcism.

Chubby Cheekers was trying to go to town on Milk Twin #1 and nothing was coming out. On to Milk Twin #2 and same thing. He began to thrash and scream and kick and I can't tell you what other nonsense went on because Daddy came to the rescue. He got him to bed. Fast forward a few weeks and Chubby Cheekers still asks for 'Boobie'. I tell him, "Boobie all gone," but he still tries to lift up my shirt to see. That boy is relentless.

As for me, I miss my nursing boobies. Now I'm stuck with no boobies. Maybe I should have another baby to get those things back...and then another...and then another...that would be like a permanent boob job! Now that I've spilled our deepest darkest secret, I guess I should introduce the newest member of family. His name is Chubby Cheekers, The Boy Who Is Off the Boob.

I guess you get the boy off the boob and suddenly he's Mr. Independent.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Really Summer?

I don't know about you, but summer was too short for us this year. Holy smokes! It flew by.  One minute I was working to build a base tan so those around me wouldn't go blind by my whiteness, and the next minute I was investing our life savings in school clothes and supplies.

Really Summer? Where'd ya go?

Let me frank here. I love season transition. I am secretly awaiting the cool mornings and beautiful Fall days. I like time change where everyone comes in early and we snuggle a bit longer befor bed.  All of that is bliss. What I loathe is another season down means my kids are growing up...getting step closer to leaving the nest.   So I'd really appreciate if the seasons would slow down a bit.  We need not any nest leaving.  That's not for us.

Now that THAT is settled, I just I can share with you my menu.  I have to apologize in advance about not linking up my menus. Something fishy is going on with Blogger and I can only blog through my iPad right now. Mind you I have NOT a keyboard. Do you know how annoying finger pecking is??? It is driving me batty. Adding the links right would simply push me over the edge.

Monday: Cookout
Tuesday: Nacho Pie and Garden Salad
Wednesday: Grilled Lemon Drumsticks, The Bread, Seasoned Broccoli
Thursday: Salmon with Avocado Salsa, Grilled Peppers and Onions, Brown Rice
Friday: Whole Roasted Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Corn on the Cob
Saturday: Chicken Tacos, Homemade Salsa and Chips, Salad
Sunday: Sandwhiches