Monday, October 7, 2013

Menu Monday

It's here!!!  My vacation is just around the corner.  I am  so thankful Steven decided to run a marathon so I could get a four day break.  Chi-town here I come!

Since we'll be leaving this week and we are loaded down with family events we are going with easy dinners.  Trying to get everyone fed and out the door by 6 is a marathon in and of itself.  Psh!  I need a 26.2 sticker for my car just for everyday life.  Right?

Monday-Mexican Casserole, Taco Dip, and Salad
Tuesday-Greek Chicken, Green Beans, Parmesan Biscuits
Wednesday-Grilled Chicken Salad and Honey Croissants
Thursday-Grilled Cheese and Creamy Tomato Soup
Sunday- Chicago: RACE DAY!

All prayers will be appreciated for Steven, Erica, and Sarah.  All three have made so many sacrifices training for this ONE day.  Since June they have dedicated themselves to training.  Please keep them in your prayers for healthy bodies and the ability to complete the course within their selected goal times.  From the bottom of my heart, I thank those of you who have encouraged, prayed for, and sent little sentiments as all three accomplish a major life goal.  I am so lucky to have these people in my life, and call one my husband and the others my friends.

Last but not least, thank you Mom and Michael for rushing back from your Maine vacation to stay with our munchkins.  They are excited for a little Grammy/Grampy time!  

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