Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Why Arbonne?

Really?  You're going to talk about Arbonne?  Again?  Yes.  Yes, I am.

Over the last 5 months I have become so passionate about what Arbonne has done for my family, but the passion deepens when I hear the testimonies of over 100 women and men.  What it equates to...LIFE CHANGE.  Whether it's from a person who completed the detox or someone who stepped into my business family. I am lucky to ride this journey with them.

When I quit my job as a teacher 5 years ago, I had fears.  Fears that I wouldn't have an identity anymore.  Fears that my connection to my friends would lessen.  Fears that I wouldn't be serving anymore.  Funny, how

I look back on my journey now and those fears I had were ridiculous.  On a daily basis I stay in contact with my own children in nephews.  I impact their lives and I have the identity of Mom.  Outside of my relationship with God and my husband, that is my most cherished identity.

I look at my connection to friends and the ability to serve others.  I have gained so many wonderful new friends through Arbonne.  Reconnecting with those I used to be close with and meeting friends of friends that are now in my contact list.  People I would have never ever met.  People that I pray for and pray for me.  I look for times to serve them and I know they do the same for me.

So I ask you, "Why not Arbonne?"  Network marketing has such a bad name.  I had a bad taste in my mouth about it because I was uninformed and only introduced to others who were looking to get rich quick.  Network Marketing can allow you move up faster than others is a corporate world, but more importantly you succeed by serving others.  To be great, you must serve many.  I am so thankful for this opportunity that has not only opened doors for my family, but has opened doors for others.  If you are looking for a change, a real life change, I will take you by the hand and show you how to accomplish your dreams.  At the very least, I'll help you improve your skin and health.  After all, that's my own goal for myself.

Speaking of skin...Arbonne just unveiled their newest product.

What it Does

  • Genius works in conjunction with your favorite Arbonne skincare routine
  • Improves the overall look and feel of skin texture to restore a healthy, radiant glow
  • Helps reduce the look of dark spots
  • Helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Provides the appearance of smooth, even-toned skin texture
  • Shows significant improvement in skin clarity and blotchiness

The Promise

In just 2 weeks, 100% of study participants who used Genius showed an improvement in the appearance of skin moisture, firmness and elasticity.*
* Based on a clinical instrumental study of 50 subjects.

Here's the greatest news ever.  For this month I earned the opportunity to sell it for 35% off before it's available to the public.  I worked hard so I would have the opportunity for you to try it before anyone else!  If you struggle with uneven skin tone, dark spots, texture, fine lines and wrinkles, and blotchiness, this is a great answer without a harsh perscription.  Arbonne stands on its promises of PURE, SAFE, and BENEFICIAL.  This new product is no different!

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