Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Summer's Fading

We spent a long time at the pool yesterday.  I watched and scored jumps into the pool.  I dunked the kids over and over playing the color game.  One too many feet kicked me right in the booty as they swam through my legs trying not to touch me.  All in all it was fun, but I realized our summer days are coming to a close. Boo!

Having 5 kids, and basically two sets of twins, makes the days seem long, but the weeks fly by.  It's amazing how just yesterday we were excited about kicking off summer with swim lessons and now we are purchasing school supplies and checking off the last items from our Summer Bucket pun intended below...

I love summer.  I love the freedom we have of wearing our pjs as long as we want, watching cartoons as long as we want.  Naps?  Nah, let's do those later.  Right now we're jumping on the trampoline with the sprinkler.  It's been fun.  We have a little over a week left, and we plan on using it wisely.  I hope as our kids grow up they always look forward to summer and our time together as a family.  I hope they have more memories of fun and joy, rather than stress and rushing around.

That's what being a kid is all about.  Spending the day playing old games and being introduced to new activities.  Sure, it can be stressful having them all at home all day long, but I do cherish this stage of life we are in right now.  I hope I always see the good in our days together.  They are numbered.  I must make the most of them.  Sooner than later these kids will be grown and gone and I'll only have the memories of our short time together.

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