Monday, August 5, 2013

Menu Monday

It's the first full week of my detox.  Steven and I began August 1st for our second go 'round.  The kids are on a modified version.  So far, I've been pretty stinky at this detox.  Just keeping it real for you.  Pretending isn't in my nature.  One thing I want you to know is this isn't an all or nothing process.  It's a time for me to focus on making better lifelong choices.

The biggest difference on this detox in comparison to April's detox is I am training for a marathon with my friend.  No, I'm not running a marathon.  I just agreed to train with her.  If you ever had doubts on my sanity, you can be assured that my elevator does not go all the way to the top.  Who in their right mind would agree to train and never run the race?  Yep, that's me.  I've never really been a race person.  I'm more into challenging myself, and marathon training is challenging.  Just this last week I logged 22 miles.  A 7 miler, 3 mile interval run (brutal), and my longest distance yet...12 miles.

I digress.

Detox and marathon's a hard balance.  On one hand I know how amazing eating clean feels for me.  On the other hand the amount of carbohydrates I need to replenish after long runs is a LOT.  So during and after the 12 mile run, I found myself with a granola bar and 3 cookies to fuel while running, and then a protein shake afterward.  Crazy, I know.  However, I would do it again.  The immediate jolt from the sugar and the carbs to finish the remaining 4 miles worked well...for me.  The rest of the day, I ate detox friendly...just a lot more than usual.  I could not get enough to eat.  Hungry girl right here.

This coming weekend I will run my first ever half marathon.  Not in a race, but a training run.  I'm excited and nervous to cross off a big life goal.

Enough about me.  Time to get to the detox menu...

Monday-Lemon Herbed Grilled Drumsticks, Butternut Squash, Steamed Broccoli
Tuesday-Grilled Salmon with Avocado Salsa, Brown Rice, Grilled Peppers and Onions
Wednesday-Fajitas in Lettuce Wraps, Salad, Brown Rice Chips and Homemade Salsa
Thursday-Avocado Chicken Salad Sandwiches(omit greek yogurt and mayo...add another avocado), Sweet Potatoes, Green Beans
Friday-Date Night @ Genghis Grill
Saturday- Dinner with Family
Sunday-Dinner with Family

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