Thursday, August 8, 2013

It's Time To Shop~Rhea Lana Here I Come

I remember the days when we had Little Man.  Our family bombarded us with the most adorable clothes ever.  Toys were busting out of closets and in every major walkway.  It was ridiculous.  As the years progressed and more kids were added to the Torres family, the gifts became more and more spread out.  We were forced to..wait for's hard to share...we were forced


Whew!  I said it.  That was hard to admit, but the truth sets you free.  As Steven and I began shopping for Little Man and our newest addition, Little Miss, we were shocked at the prices of baby and toddler clothes. What the what?  $20 for baby and toddler jeans?  I hate spending $20 on my own jeans, let alone for a child who will wear this for less than one season.

That's when I began bargain shopping for my kids' clothes.  Consignment sales just make sense.  Unfortunately, finding a sale that wasn't in a gigantic warehouse was hard to find in my area.  Then floating out of the sky like an angel, Rhea Lana of South Tulsa arrived!  For 6 seasons, I have been taking my kids' older clothes to Rhea Lana of South Tulsa, then using the money I make and buying their 'new' clothes.  Since kids grow so fast, it just makes sense.  

Last sale I purchased the kids' spring and summer clothes for under $30.  On my consignment check I made $120 (I didn't have too much last season).  I equate that to shopping for free.  That is the power of consignment shopping.

This year is the first time I am searching for a baby equipment item!  I am in serious need of a side-by-side double stroller for the babies.  Nothing bulky.  More umbrella, folds up easy, and pushes well stroller.  So if you shop and see one, walk on by people.  I repeat, walk on by.  It is MINE!  All mine.  You think I'm kidding? ;)

So, mark your calendars ladies and gents.  The Rhea Lana of South Tulsa Sale begins SUNDAY, AUGUST 10th and runs through the 17th.  For best options, get your hands on an Early Shopper Pass.  If you get your hands on one of those babies, then you get to shop on SATURDAY!  What, what??? The easiest way to go about that is to get pregnant...or be pregnant). 

OR, the absolute best way is to show up like you are 'VIP in the HOUSE' at 7:00pm on Saturday and say, "YO! Torres Tidbits sent me," in your best Italian mobster impression. If you don't say, "YO!" you will have not one chance of getting in.  The bouncers will get you...OR...maybe I just stretching the truth a little bit.  Maybe you can just say, "Torres Tidbits sent me." But without the accent that wouldn't be any fun now, would it?!?

So, Torres Tidbiters, get yourself to the sale a day early and let them know I sent ya' for a chance to get the best deals before the sale opens to the public on Sunday, August 11th!  Just a little love for all those bloggy people out there. 

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