Monday, August 12, 2013

Menu Monday...On Tuesday

It's Tuesday and I'm just now posting my menu for Monday.  I know.  I know.  BUT, I have a really, really good excuse.  I accomplished a goal I didn't even know I had on Sunday morning.


I'll share more about that tomorrow, but for now I just needed to get it off my chest.  I could for real put a sticker on my car if I wanted to.  It was a challenging experience, but also very rewarding.  

Today, I'll share what we are eating this week.  I mentioned last week that this detox looks so different than my last detox.  First off, I had some pie Friday night at our schools P.I.E. meeting.  It was delicious, but not the best choice.  Then after running 13.1 miles, I was starving and dying for something salty.  I had a bacon, egg, and cheese on ciabatta bread.  Yeah, nothing detox friendly about that.  And now for the walk of shame...I also had half of a cinnamon roll after that.  Hanging head now.  I'm pretty sure Erica has a picture of me taking a gigantic bite of that breakfast sandwich.

You know what?  In the grand scheme of things, I am making way better choices now than what I was 5 months ago.  I know what needs to be done and I do have the will power to do it.  Knowledge and will power together make for a great combination.  That's what I love about Arbonne.  You get a specific plan to follow.  That's the knowledge part.  The will power comes from the results that spring up so quickly from following that plan.  

And now, for the detox menu...

Monday-Chicken Pasta (*new...recipe to be posted), Green Beans, Mixed Greens Salad
Tuesday-Taco Salad with Roasted Chickpeas, Berry Salad
Wednesday-French Lentil Soup
Thursday-Grilled Shrimp Kabobs and Spinach Berry Salad
Friday-Seasoned Broiled Tilapia, Steamed Broccoli, Sweet Potatoes
Sunday-Almond Buttered Rice Cakes with Strawberries, Fresh Cut Veggies, and Sweet Potato Fries

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