Thursday, May 2, 2013

April Detox: Final Results

April is officially over and all the participants of the detox are sharing their success stories.  Most of the stories I'm going to share with you are from the ladies I work out with M, W, and F mornings.  Keep in mind almost all of the ladies have been doing boot camp for some time now.  We all have the exercise part down. We needed a kick start on cleaner eating.  Arbonne's 30 Days to Fit was a great jump start.  Here's what the ladies had to say.

"Day 32 and still going strong.  My plan is to go 40 days before reintroducing any of the foods I've been avoiding.  Cheese, I'm looking at you!  As of Day 30, I was down 11.9 lbs. I took measurements at my belly button and two inches below on Day 1, but I wished I measured more body parts, because I know by the way my clothes fit there have been a lot of changes.  I'm shopping from the other side of the closet again.  double ear and sinus infection aside,  the detox has been an amazing experience. I have found strength I didn't know I possessed.  I have gone from a daily dessert eater, to having no craving for sugar whatsoever.  My energy level has increased, therefore, my attitude has improved, and I feel stronger in my workouts.  I am so thankful for this opportunity."


"I lost 6 lbs, but the most exciting part is that I lost TWO dress sizes and was able to push harder at every workout."


Editor's Note (that's me...heehee): This girl stepped up to run a 10k (6.2 miles) a week before the race.  The longest distance she had ever ran before was 3.1 miles.  She finished in under an hour and felt her performance was because of the detox. 

"My weight loss varies 6-8 pounds.  I feel AWESOME.  I am more toned than I think I was in high school playing 3 sports, running faster & working out harder.  Down 2 sizes."


"I lost 12 lbs and two dress sizes as well.  Feeling great and definitely sticking with some healthier food alternatives."


"Down 4 lbs and my IBS is under better control than it was with the changes my doctor recommended!  My mammoth-sized sweet tooth has gone on vacation and sweets just don't taste the same, in a good way!"


"I'm down 17 lbs and my husband 22 lbs from the detox.  I've dropped two inches and two dress sizes.  Detox was amazing!  So much energy, and of course the weight loss, but more importantly I have respect for my body now!  I appreciate the food I can eat better and no longer crave the stuff that punishes my body.  Now, I'm not saying I'll never eat pizza again.  I'm okay with 1-2 slices, but not the whole pizza!"


"After accepting my stomach would never be the same after 3 kids, I am ecstatic to say I CAN SEE MY ABS!!!  Lost 5 lbs over the course of the month I began to see my arms have definition without flexing.  Lean muscle lines make me want to throw on a sleeveless shirt.  I am no longer embarrassed to put on shorts for fear of crossing my legs which squeezed the cottage cheese out to visible.  My workouts have been easier and I even shaved off 30 seconds from my timed mile in a month.  That is huge for me!  For the last two months I hit a plateau in my running speed.  The detox helped push me passed that plateau."

-A.T.  (me)

I have had so many people say to me, "I could never do that."  I so get that statement.  That was me 2 years ago when I first heard about it.  Now being on the other side, I'm a bit mad at myself for not giving myself more credit.  The meals for the detox was all about exchanges.  Nothing too difficult. Sure, I had cranky toddler moments, but I learned a lot about my eating habits that were affecting my body in a major way.  For example, dousing my food with condiments.  I'm surprised I could even taste lettuce with the amount of ranch going on my salad.  Now it's just a little drizzle.  I've limited my portion sizes to a more normal range and I don't feel hungry.  I've also learned that eating junk makes you feel like junk.  No wonder I was so tired all the time!  It wasn't the 5 kids, it was the junk I was 'treating' myself with on a daily basis.

If you are looking for a change like these ladies had in a MONTH, let me know how I can help.  It doesn't have to be the full on detox.  One of my precious friends quit her Diet Coke habit, and switched to Mommy Crack Fizz Sticks.  Here's what she said...

"In loooooooooove with Arbonne Energy Fizz Sticks!!!"

For my friend, switching out her pop with Fizz Sticks was a huge change and it's leading her to do other crazy things!  

Now for the final showdown.  This is my friend Maria.  In a month she has lost 25 lbs.  She did not stray from the diet and posted this pic on her facebook page...

I still cannot get over her change in one month.  SAME with her sister!  Both of them noted they had tried all the quick fixes, but it wasn't until they did it the right way did they see and feel the permanent results.  So proud of all my friends at F.I.T. Boot Camp and family!

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