Tuesday, April 30, 2013

A Weekend of Firsts

We partied all weekend long.  Seriously.  All. Weekend. Long.  Three birthday parties and one baby shower all crammed into one weekend.  It was busy, but it was fun.  

Friday night Little Man had his very first sleepover party with friends.  We're those weirdo kind of parents who will only allow our children to sleep over at select homes.  It was a big deal to allow Little Man to stay the night with someone other than family.  Thankfully, his first sleep over invitation came from his former baby sitter.  She kept him for me while I was still working.  We developed a great friendship and our boys have grown up together.  Another little guy is Little Man's BFF.  They have been friends since birth.  Literally, Little Man was born and three weeks later we were back at the hospital visiting our friends who delivered their boy.  I was so thankful, Melinda sent us pics throughout the night.  

I missed that guy.  Little Man's sister, however, was pumped to sleep up in his bed.  She couldn't brush her teeth fast enough so she could climb up in the big 'ol loft bed.  She's a hoot.

Speaking of Little Miss, she attended her very first princess party designed just for girls.  This is the first party she was invited to that was solely for her.  Slowly, she is forming her own friendships.  Steven got to take her while I was at my precious neighbor's baby shower.  The pictures I got to see made my heart smile. Little Miss was in her element with some special little ladies.  I am so thankful for opportunities such as this.

Even though the weekend was crazy busy, it was so fun to watch the kids get to experience their firsts.

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