Monday, May 6, 2013

I've Got Your Skin Covered! (Menu Monday tomorrow)

It's hard to believe summer is almost here.  Especially since I'm still shopping from the sweaters and cardigans in my closet.  Of course, we live in OK so tomorrow we're back in the 80's.

As I've jumped on this Arbonne train, I've realized some of the products I've been putting on my skin and my kids can actually cause more harm than good.  I'm not one to live in fear, but just as I try and feed my kids for their best benefit, I also want to make sure they are protected in all aspects of health. One thing I've learned over the course of the month is my trusty lotions and sunscreens contain ingredients that have been linked to causing cancer.  Ummmm, not interested in going there!  If it causes me to spend a little more to put  pure, safe, and beneficial products on myself and kids, then I'll do it.  Here's what's Arbonne stands for:

If this is something you think would be for your family, I have some savings for you.  After crunching numbers I've figured out a way to get my local customers the best deal on sunscreens and lotions for the month of May.  Here's the scoop...

Buy 2 sunscreens, get a lotion for FREE.

Sunscreen Options*:
ABC (Baby) Sunscreen SPF 30+ ($26)
Water Resistant (Adult) Sunscreen SPF 30  ($30)
Made In the Shade Self Tanner SPF 15 ($30)

*You can purchase two of the same thing

Free Lotion Options:
ABC (Baby) Lotion (reg. $18)
Conditioning Body Moisture (Adult) Lotion (reg. $25)

Just like Groupons, 5 people would need to buy in on this deal in order for everyone to save.

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