Monday, April 29, 2013

Regular and Detox Menu Monday

This week we are reintroducing foods back into our diet. I am excited to not be as strict with my eating, but I am also excited to have the knowledge of what allows my body to work better than it has before. I have specific fitness goals that are going to be tested next month and for June. Knowing what I know now about how my body responded to eliminating foods and adding the best absorbable vitamins and protein, I will be ready physically for those challenges. Pretty exciting.

Here is what my menu looks like coming off the detox:

Monday- Key West Grilled Chicken, Brown Rice, and Grilled Veggies
Tuesday- Chicken Tacos, Chips and Salsa, and Salad
Wednesday-Hawaiian Ham Sammie's, Baked Sweet Potato Fries, Green Beans
Thursday-Taco Salad served over Spicy Roasted Chick Peas
Friday-Dominos Pizza Family Pack (don't judge...I WON it!)
Saturday- DATE NIGHT...finally celebrating our 10 year anniversary!
Sunday- BBQ Chicken Sandwiches, Salad, and Oven Baked Pickles

Have a Great week!

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