Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Traditional Christmas Dinner

Every other year we host Christmas Dinner at our home for our families and their extended families.  It's such a fun time with all the kids running around enjoying their new toys and crashing out on the couch from the day's excitement.  I love Christmas.

The last time we hosted Christmas Dinner, Steven requested a special Puerto Rican menu.  I love how he requests and I make.  So this white girl got down on some traditional PR dishes.

As I mentioned yesterday, Steven hacked into my Pinterest account.  I walked in Sunday morning to find him and the iPad at the kitchen counter.  He was saying things like, "Oh yeah, that's what I'm talking about," and "Mmm Hmmm.  Give me some of that."  If I didn't know him so well I would have been worried, but I knew exactly what he was doing.  He immediately looked up at me and said, "Can you get me some paper?  I'm making the Christmas Menu."

And without further ado, I'd like to introduce our Christmas Menu made by Steven Torres...

Torres Family Christmas Dinner

Family Recipe Stuffing Cakes
Vinaigrette Salad

Tomorrow I'll share the Baking Menu.  I have to admit, I'm getting really excited about Christmas.

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