Monday, December 17, 2012

Menu Monday

I hereby declare this week Menu Week...and Baking Week.

Twas the week before Christmas,
 and all through the house,
Not a creature was stirring.  
Not even mouse.

Except for Amanda 
who was covered in flour.
She didn't have time,
no time for a shower.

Hmmm...maybe that's not the right lines???  But one thing is true.  I will be baking our Christmas goodies this week and sharing, quite possibly, the most expensive cookie I have ever made in my entire life.  Thanks be to Steven Torres.  He hacked my Pinterest account and came up with his own special Christmas Dinner and Christmas goody list.  Apparently, this man forgot that I have a grocery budget.  You will see his crazy antics tomorrow and Wednesday when I share the goody menu and dinner menu.

Today I have my budget friendly menu for you.  Since I was buying specialty ingredients like dark cocoa, mint chips, mint Oreos, and pecans. I had to get real creative and shop my pantry.

Monday-Pizza Bread and Salad
Tuesday-BBQ Meatballs, Au Gratin Potatoes, Steamed Broccoli
Wednesday-Chicken Taquitos, Brown Rice with Peppers and Onions, Refried Beans
Thursday-Dinner @ The Kueny's
Friday-Baked Chicken, Cheesy Broccoli Casserole, Buttered Bread
Saturday-Sausage, Egg Skillet and Cinnamon Toast
Sunday-Chicken Noodle Soup and Crescents

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