Friday, October 5, 2012

What Comes Out of Their Mouth

We spend a considerable amount of time in the car.  A lot of times we sing or play games, but sometimes I just listen to their conversations.  You never know what's going to come out of their mouths and it usually leaves me laughing.  Hysterically laughing.  Which leaves the other cars around us wondering what in the world is wrong with me.

The other day we were headed to story time and Chunky Monkey was super concerned about food.  Mind you it was 10 o'clock in the morning.  Mind you he had breakfast.  Mind you we had just had a snack before leaving for story time.  Yet, Chunky Monkey was still thinking about food.

CM (Chunky Monkey): Aunt Amanda?
Me:  Yes, honey.
CM:  I want fish sticks.
Me: Fish sticks?
CM: Yeah, fish sticks.  You can get me some?
Me:  Well, I don't have any of those.
CM:  You should take me to the lake and we can catch some.

STOP HERE...the conversation gets a bit long about filleting fish...just know it happened.

CM: I don't want fish sticks anymore.  I want Chinese food.

(Little Miss joins the conversation)

LM: (turns to CM)  Where does Chinese food come from?
ME: Mexico?  Sweetheart Chinese food comes from China.
CM:  Well, what kind of food does Mexico make?
ME:  Mexican food.
CM:  Okay.  I want fish sticks.

And that my friends is the day and life of Amanda Torres.  AND, we will be working on cultural studies in the very near future.

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