Monday, October 8, 2012

Menu Monday

I know this cold front that blew through Oklahoma is a bit controversial, but let me say, I LOVED IT!!!  Little Man had a football game early Saturday morning.  I bundled up and watched that guy rip off 9 flags and score one touchdown.  He definitely excels in defense.  Just like his Daddy.  Thankfully, my mom came and stayed with Chubby Cheekers so I could enjoy his glory day.  It was a bit chilly for him.

Sunday we ate our weekend breakfast together in our warm pj's, bundled up to play outside, went for a family walk, and enjoyed chili at my mom's for dinner.  Fall has to be one of my favorite seasons.  It makes you want to cuddle with your husband and snuggle with your babies.  Magical.

I also love the comfort food.  I had to make a bit of an adjustment to our last week's menu to accommodate the cold front.  On Friday we had PW's Chicken Tortilla Soup.  Glorious.  Simply glorious. Since I'm going strictly on cash for our grocery/toiletry/baby supply budget, I wasn't able to throw in a lot of my favorite fall foods, but just know they are coming.

Monday-Oven Baked Fried Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Corn
Tuesday-Spaghetti and Meatballs, Garlic Knots, Salad
Wednesday-Crescent Chicken Roll Ups, Broccoli Bake, Fresh Fruit Salad
Thursday-Pasta Bake (freezer meal), The Bread, Green Beans
Friday-Crispy Southwest Wraps, Raw Veggies and Dip
Saturday-Beer Crockpot Chicken, Crispy Potatoes, Salad
Sunday-Honey Garlic Pork Chops, Sweet Potatoes, Crescents

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