Thursday, October 4, 2012

Pinterest Strikes Again: Fall

Let me just say this was not my idea.  This pumpkin landed on my front porch and who was I to let it go to waste.  Seriously, the pumpkin landed on my porch courtesy of my gal pal, Erica.  She first stuffed her daughter (a few weeks older than Chubby Cheekers) in this pumpkin, then she delivered to my front porch.  Only one problem, I had to cut out more of a booty space for Chubby Cheekers.  I couldn't get the little guy in there.  But (no pun intended), once I got him in he look so cute.  Right???

He even looked cute when he peed in it.  Yes, I put his full on naked booty in there.  He even looked cute when he ate the pumpkin.  He even looked cute when I pulled him out crying because he wasn't done eating the pumpkin.  Basically, he looked cute.  He always looks cute, and I'm not one of those parents who just says their kid is cute when they really aren't.  He really is. So there.

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